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Even if it IS totally consensual and non-permanent, eating friends on your lunch break is still risky - you wouldn't want your boss to walk into the office and see you naked, with OR without a huge full belly! But a hardworking girl deserves SOME excitement now and then, right?

Bonus points if you can guess who Isabelle's two lucky volunteers/outfit destroyers are...

(also I included alts without dialogue for parts 2 and 3, for those of you who aren't into the main subject matter but might still enjoy a big squishy dog out of context!)


This piece was voted for and funded by the contributions of my wonderful patrons! Thank you so much for all of your support on here throughout the past 2 years! It means the world to me that this little side gig was able to become a reliable part of my income, and I owe that to all of you. Here's to another year of drawing weird, soft, shiny, squishy, colourful nonsense! Keep an eye out for the next poll at the start of January 2022!



Jade B