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Hey, everyone! Just passing by to say I'm back... well, sorta...

It's been some rough months trying to get my shit together and get back to work on what I like, but I think it's time to jump right back in. 

Yeah... I wish.

Currently I'm being held hostage in horny jail because of a circumcision surgery I did in early February (that's why I didn't charge Patreon this month), and without a PC - at least my current one. 

Something probably fried in there and I can't get it to turn on so I'll need to take it to a repair shop. For now I'll have to stick with my 10 year-old spare PC to back me up on my endeavours for now. But things might get a bit slow because of how old this thing is.

At first I wanted to charge you guys this month so I could pay for the repair (or any possible replacement) but I won't do that because I'm not entirely sure I'll be 100% to start working with this type of content and catch up with all the late work (I really don't wanna leave you all empty handed). Instead I'm gonna try to finish some old comissions and pull up some new ones.

So with all that said... I'm not even allowed to have a hard on until all my stitches are gone + some days for the remaining injuries are healed. The doctor said 20 to 30 days from the day of surgery, but for safety measures I'm gonna stick with 30 days - or more - and that ends on March 11th.

Can't wait to return after this to work on the good stuff for you all and I'm truly excited.

Hope everyone is doing well and that I can hopefully check ya all soon ❤️



Hope everything resolves well for your recovery and your computer.

Cosmo Shepard

I enjoyed seeing your art on FA, I'm glad I finally stumbled across your Patreon. Looking forward to seeing what you create next!