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Hello, hello! Hope everyone is doing well wherever you all are!

First of all, I'd like to welcome all the newcomers and give a huge thank you to everyone that has joined me ever since I started this journey <3

So! Now that Pride Month is over I think I'm free to finally get those animations together and try to finish them for you all. My plan for now is to take this entire month of July (or at least the most chunk of it) to solely focus on animations, just because I'm tired of having them sitting on my shelf, not seeing the light of day...

I know I need to finish some pics to some of you but don't worry, my plan is to work on them as I go with the animations and, of course, I'll be posting them here for everyone to see when they are done (same goes for previous sketches that were left unfinished, alongside some other new sketches, but now that I can't say for certain).

Honestly I wanted to take a break for this month to take care of my mental health but I also don't want you guys waiting... and because animation is my passion. I can't think of a week without animating anything lol

What do you guys think? May I? 


Joe Binson

Take care of yourself first, mang.


Take the time you need all good! ^^