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So I tried to make a GIF of my timeline, all pretty and rainbow and complete, in order to celebrate but I'd say the quality is a liiiiiiiiiiiiiittle lower than expected bahaha.

BUT IT'S THERE. In all its fuzzy glory!

For the first time (ever?? I'm pretty sure EVER), I have a completed outline AND timeline as I enter this 2nd draft of A Closet Full of Cauldrons. I'm talking down to the smallest details. I'm talking clues. I'm talking silly one-off jokes that will come back up again at the very end. ALL OF IT.

I. Am. Ready.

Now it's just up to June 17th - 19th Kate to get the words on the page bahaha. #24hrnovel, here I come!

Before then, though, I'd like to have another livestream with y'all!

We're halfway May's "Write & Edit a Short Story on Stream Using Viewer Suggestions & Oracle Card Chaos" experiment. (Well, "halfway." Since I drafted a poem during the first stream instead of the short story as planned, I needed to add another stream. This one! Bahaha.)

So on Tuesday, June 13th at 9:30am CDT, you can find me ready to revise. And as this experiment sorta hinged on the oracle cards and y'all's participation, I'll definitely be requesting some name suggestions or thoughts on what I have so far. :)

Expect a long stream, as I'm hoping to completely finish the revision. (But also, maybe expect another stream, in case I still need to line edit lololol. This is truly the experiment that just keeps growing!)

Let me know how your writing life -- and personal life, hobby life, family life, all of it -- is going! I'll be back with an update on my 5 syllabi for my mock writing semester 👀 and more Patreon stream info for the 24-hour writeathon!

Until then, happy writing! Thanks y'all!



Kerri B

Congrats 🎉 I have a ton of editing to do on a HUGE 130,476 word manuscript for a client so I'll try to pop in and say hi before I disappear into my editing cave again lol Needless to say, I haven't gotten much further on my outline, but I made sure to take the day off to participate in the challenge. I'm so, so excited! 🥰


Wow! Great work. I wish I was that far along - completed timeline and outline. (After first draft perhaps.) I'm about 62K words into my newest novel (started 1 Apr with Camp Nano) but it's been slower over May/June because of school and an upcoming move (and should be slower in July because I'm going to Europe for holidays!). But the goal is to have the first draft complete before I start school again on 31 July. And I can't make your day-time streams but I always put them on in the background when I'm writing later that day!