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Hey y'all, hey! Today I present to you potentially the craziest experiment I've attempted since the 24-hour write-a-thon.

With Camp NaNoWriMo, Escapril, and the general insanity of trying to finish Project ☠️, as well as wrapping up previous month's experiments, I knew I needed a short writing experiment for Patreon for April. A day or two, tops.

As I was brainstorming possibilities, I remembered a comment from here! (Thanks Jean!)

So I'm doing as Jean said (mostly, bahaha)!

Initially I asked both ChatGPT and Google Bard to help create a writing routine. Then I asked them to tell me which authors had the craziest writing routines. (Notably, it brought up Haruki Murakami and Neil Gaiman, both of whom I've already tried copying!) And then I asked them to craft me an absolutely insane writing routine to try while switching between 2 projects for Camp NaNoWriMo.

I present to you the ChatGPT result I selected:

(It might have been the handful of chocolate chips for breakfast that persuaded me.)

And here we have Google Bard's, with a bunch of random suggestions that sound equally ridiculous, just in a different, less routine-oriented way:

(I will probably skip the 12 hours straight and running in the woods at 4am (because safety??) and might have to fudge the "treehouse" and a few others, but otherwise these sound fun!)

SO I will be attempting the ChatGPT routine this coming Monday, the 10th.

Then I will be attempting as many of Google's suggestions as I can on Wednesday, the 12th. (I figured I'd need a rest/recovery day on Tuesday bahaha.)

My question for y'all: would you like to join me?? Obviously this experiment is ABSOLUTELY INSANE and inadvisable bahaha. But I figured I'd have some Patreon sprints during the many, many, many Pomodoros that ChatGPT wanted. (And I do know some of y'all have flexible schedules and are as crazy as me, so I figured you might pick another day and give this a shot bahaha.)

Additionally, if you attempt any of the silly Google prompts, I'd love to know! (Or have you done some of them before? I feel like writing in a public place is a given, but A CAVE?? Bahaha.)

If you're comfortable and interested in filming yourself doing any part of this experiment, I'd love to include you in my video! Send under 30 seconds to me at katecavanaughwrites@gmail.com as well as your preferred name and where people can find your books, your writing sprints, or just your pet instagram! Whatever you'd wanna shout out. :)

Thanks y'all and happy writing!!



I was rereading the google routine and I think I’ll try it out. But instead of doing it all in one day, I’ll stretch it out and do like one bullet point a day kind of thing and see which one I like best.


Update from a brit living 3hrs in the American future, this completely sucks! I'm on my 2nd hr of 25min sprints, just back from my first ever attempt at a morning jog at 6am. It rained the entire time (because of course, uk), and I'm in desperate need of a breakfast that consists of something more than chocolate chips+coffee. I've only written 700 words on my main project because I can't stop thinking about how much I'd rather be asleep. Best of luck Kate, this is killer.