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February & March Writing Experiment Poll & Project Death Updates!!

  • Testing multiple quick writing hacks as individual YouTube shorts 37
  • Testing my current WIPs against the Pixar Storytelling Formula 70
  • 2023-02-16
  • 107 votes
{'title': 'February & March Writing Experiment Poll & Project Death Updates!!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Testing multiple quick writing hacks as individual YouTube shorts', 'votes': 37}, {'text': 'Testing my current WIPs against the Pixar Storytelling Formula', 'votes': 70}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 16, 19, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 107}


Crawling out of my rewriting hole to come hang with y'all for a moment!

Project Death ☠️☠️ is in full swing once again and I AM SO EXCITED. Things are going super well. (Too well??) And I'm feeling confident that, while I won't be able to hit the initial February 28th deadline, I will finish this draft in time to get it to my CP Jessica at the end of March!! 

But March 31st doesn't just mean the end of Project Death Draft 5, oh no! It also means (fingers crossed) the completion of my current Under The Influence and A Closet Full of Cauldrons drafts! Aaaand then it's time for Camp NaNoWriMo bahahah.

All that to say, my projects have me booked solid for the next 6 - 8 weeks. (No shiny new ideas allowed!)

Which leads me to our monthly experiment poll, where I need to squish together February & March! Here are our 2 options:

1) Testing multiple quick writing hacks as individual YouTube shorts!

I've had the list below pulled up for the past few weeks as I've been brainstorming how best to play around with these hacks. (Almost a DECADE old, this article is!) Think of these like the Comic Sans or text white-out hack. Quick and easy to see if they work for you!

Specifically I'm intrigued by the "verb highlight" method, plotting backwards, and the six word test! But I figure I'll choose around seven or ten to try.

Rather than combining them into one vlog though, I thought I could make each their own individual Short. (Not sure if y'all watch Shorts?? Not sure if anyone cares other than YouTube pushing it on me all the time bahaha.)

But I figured it would be a fun way to play around with something new AND give each hack its own highlight!

2) Testing out the Pixar Storytelling Rules/Formula!

Okay, so I swear this method has been floating around the internet for ages, just gently whispering "try me, try me."

In a lot of ways, it feels less "method," and more like a checklist to see if your story currently has certain items or if you need to add them in.


I'm debating if I should use this to help set up April's Camp NaNo project or compare against my current WIPs to see which rules I'm meeting and what I need to add into my story. Maybe both???

As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts on both these options! :) Let me know if you have any favorite one-off writing hacks OR if you've tried out the Pixar Storytelling Method.

Also!! I'm a little behind on video editing, but am halfway through with the Stars Guide My Writing Vlog that y'all voted on for a previous month. Hopefully I'll have that up soon! ✨

(I play the "pause randomly and hope my face looks normal" game all too often and GUESS WHAT, IT NEVER DOES bahahaha.)

Thanks y'all and happy writing!!


Regina Duke

Oh, I like "write as a different persona" and "one page a day," the latter for days when you just can't get started. Also use the trick, 100 words at a time. I've never highlighted my verbs before. Interesting. :D Can't wait to see what you come up with, either way.

Katelyn Rader

i dont really watch shorts but if you make them in shorts (so the yt gods leave you alone) and compile them all into a video i would love to see it!