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Hi everyone!! Sorry I've been a little MIA this month. After speed-running through some things to catch up on work I'd missed, I looked up at the calendar yesterday and realized that March...starts....tomorrow??

Obviously I know that February has only 28 days - sometimes 29! - but I did not knoooow that this month bahaha. I didn't fully encode that when scheduling and planning.

(And why can't time bend to my every whim, anyways?)

So the first thing I'd like to let y'all know is that there will be TWO double-stream days/weekends in March to make up for my lack of one in February.

Which means this is what our March (or Preparch, anyone?) will look like. I'll post up the Double Stream Day info for this Friday & Saturday about mid-week.

Also, barring any more migraines, I should be back to my regularly scheduled Twitch streams this month! So I'm excited to see you all again soon. 🦄🦏🔮

Pivoting away from that, I do want to tell y'all about my new podcast, Making Money Making Art! If you caught some of my patron-only goal videos, you'll know that this is a concept and project I've wanted to start for a while.

Well, it's finally live!!! There are 3 interview episodes out so far, with a 4th coming tomorrow, and should continue every Tuesday until I decide this first, experimental season is completed!

I haven't posted about it on social media yet as I wanted to let y'all know first. (Also because figuring out branding is hard???)

I especially wanted to let y'all know because I've had the pleasure of interviewing some of you guys for the podcast!!!!

A quick summary: Making Money Making Art is a podcast where artists and creators chat transparently about how they make money from their art! (And occasionally get sidetracked by their favorite recent reads, the eternal struggle against perfectionism, figuring out how you even start a freelancing career anyways, what to share on social media, & a whole lot more!)

I recently chatted with...

GiGi about what happens when we making our writing too precious and become too scared to share it & how she hangs up her art pieces to display and sell in her salon (in Episode 1)
Hayley on selling her first play during a pandemic and the pressures and thrills of growing your social media platform (in Episode 2)
Kitty, who's a Kindle Vella Top Faved author and broke down Kindle Vella's pricing & bonus structure for me, as well as discussing how she's had to fire herself from an editing gig (in Episode 3)
(and in the episode coming out tomorrow)
Auburn about the impostor syndrome she's experienced after becoming a Wattpad Star and what it's like to be paid by Wattpad to write!

I have a few more interviews I've done that I'm still working on editing and will come out on some Tuesday soon!

I've seriously had SO MUCH FUN with this project. It's incredible to hear from other writers, artists, & creators about what's worked for them, what bits they're struggling through, and I feel like every person I've chatted with has helped me feel less alone and also given me ideas to percolate on for my own career.

You can find the browser version here, on my own website. You can also listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts or Stitcher or basically anywhere you normally listen to podcasts!

And I'd absolutely love to chat with more of y'all for the show! I start the podcasts out with the initial question of, "How much money do you make from your creative endeavors?" But we really just ebb and flow from there. (Some people in certain contracts can't share their exact numbers, but I still find it super useful to chat over their career decisions. Honestly, just knowing that you CAN make money from some of these things - whether it's three figures or six - is incredibly helpful.)

Okay! I think that's it for big news and plans. (At least until March's goals video bahaha.) I hope you all have had a WONDERFUL February. Let me know if anything awesome happened, if you broke through a story block, if you mastered a new recipe, if you finished your draft, or anything else you're excited about!

Thanks everyone and happy writing!

(Also here are some MasterClass guest passes!)


Georgie Spora

OMG Yay! So excited for another podcast to listen to! Congratulations Kate! That's a big deal! I've thought about starting a podcast but that requires too much effort for me lol! I'll have to put the stream dates in my diary, hopefully work and timezones don't overlap with them too much! Excited to see your preparch journey! (Was my first thought today when I noticed it was the first lol).


Yay! I can't wait to listen to the podcast on my commute! I would love to be a guest on it, but first I need to make some money from my projects, haha! Maybe next year