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Hello, hellooooo!

Let's get some quick housekeeping out of the way: I am behind, so very behind on NaNoWriMo. But I still have a tiny smidge of hope that I can cross that 50K mark before November is up! And since the Double Stream Days have helped me so much in the past, I figured we needed to squeeze in at least one more before the month was over!

Stream #1 on Monday, November 22nd @ 6:30am CST: https://youtu.be/jxO1dTj0kw8
Stream #2 on Monday, November 22nd @ 6:30pm CST: https://youtu.be/9_Lb3zgSI_I
(Maybe we can do all 11:11, 22:22, 33:33, etc. sprints bahaha.)


AND NOW, the question I have for y'all: What gift would you give your characters? (Either for the holidays, their birthdays, etc.)

I was chatting with my friend/co-writer about a targeted Instagram ad I'd seen that, while it didn't interest me,  would have been the PERFECT gift for Mandi, one of the MCs in our contemporary fiction story. Which of course made me spiral and think about what gifts I would give my other main characters! This has been a fun brainstorming exercise the past couple days and I thought would make a super cute video!

Please comment down below and let me know what you'd gift your characters! (Ooooor maybe what your character's parent or best friend or love interest or sworn enemy would give them.) I'd also love to know why, but if you'd like to keep the ~mystery and intrigue~ as to the reasoning, I'd love to use your answer in my future video and do my best to guess WHY you're giving them that thing bahaha. I thought it might be fun and we'll see how far off I am.

Thanks y'all and happy writing!




I would gift both my MC's the storybooks their parents read them as children that were lost after their passing.


a payed vacation to paris & therapy