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Hey y'all!

I wanted to pick your brains about what your revision process looks like. (Or even which revision strategies you've used in the past that have/haven't worked for you!)

Let me know if you have one set revision process or if it changes based on the project.

Basically, let me know any and all of your thoughts regarding revision!!!

I'd like to use your responses to set up another channel-wide survey regarding revision and generally discuss what comes after "The End" on the first draft.

Thank you so much everyone! ☀️


Catherine K

Hey 😁 I just became a patron because I'm enjoying your videos and personality. Thanks for the friendly and informative content :)


Right now I go chronically chapter by chapter making edits. Each time I finish a chapter, I use a text to speech app so I can listen to it for flow/catch anything that’s just off . ( plus it gives my eyes a break)