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First off, I'm so sorry for the delay in getting this up!! And also sorry that I haven't finished May's writing experiment either. 

The plus side is I always get to them (and always love them!) eventually, but I've been busier than usual lately. In a lot of great ways that I'm excited about, but that means I don't have quiiiiite as much energy for multi-day experiments.

HOWEVER, as I'm combining two month's experiments into one, I figured I needed to go big! Plus, this gives me more flexibility in what I'm working on. SO MAY I PRESENT TO YOU....(drumroll, please)....THE 5K FOR 5 DAYS CHALLENGE!

This will be 5 days straight of hitting 5,000 words (whether drafting or revising or editing!). And because it's a multi-day experiment, I thought it would be fun to see if y'all wanted to participate with me! (Especially since so many of us will be participating in Camp already.)

So please do comment down below which 5-day timeframe you'd be interested in participating in this challenge! Feel free to select multiple options. :)

All this being said, I would LOVE if you could comment down below with any one-day writing experiments you'd like me to try. I don't know why my brain has been struggling to come up with "mini" writing challenges recently (other than a re-do of my pets control my writing vlog bahaha) but I think it would help a lot for those unexpectedly busy months.

Thanks everyone and happy writing!!!



What about The Boyfriend controls your writing? You can have fun with ways to keep him off camera yet still pick, like throwing a frisbee from off screen and land on his pick.


Something that might be fun and low effort is a day of "living like my MC". I thought of this the other day, thought I might try living through a day doing hobbies and eating foods my MC likes, avoiding what they dont, and generally just trying to get into their brain as a fun exercise!


I FORGOT TO MENTION! I've seen lots of people do random word challenges but when I searched 5K for 5 Days, it was a buuuuunch of running videos bahaha. I added "writing" and still wasn't coming up with anyone having made a video about doing this specific sort of challenge before BUT if any of y'all know of someone who did this, please let me know and I can reference their video in the experiment too! THANKS Y'ALL! :)

Stephanie Faye Lilienthal

Ohhh that‘s basically what Ashley B is doing for her current draft until she‘s done. She’s currently documenting it on Instagram đŸ„° It‘s so exciting to think of the potential progress! Buuuut please y‘all if you do it – mind your bodies, drink lots, take breaks and most important of all: have fun! Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t manage to get 5k every single day. Progress is progress no matter how small. ♄


lololol that would be hysterical. And I genuinely don't know if he'd be nice or evil so that would be fun!

Becca C. Smith

Oooooo so much fun!! I did this in April to try and finish Hexsphere. I got to day four and pooped out hahaha!! But it was actually really satisfying, even with just the four days! I might have to join you on this one depending on what the final vote for timing is!!

Sarah Cahill

5k for 5 days sounds like fun! For a one day writing challenge, how about writing a short story, but starting from the end and working backwards to the beginning. Or a sprint experiment, but testing different colours of font to see which one gives you the highest word count.

Mary Wockenfuss

I wish I could hit 5k a day, but I'm struggling to get *anything* written lately.

Denise Berndt

I'm all for Vin controls your writing day! :) Since I love your "I tried writing like ..." videos - have you done Janet Evanovich yet? If I remember correctly, her routine includes SNACKS! (I also think I saw her book on how she writes in one of your videos but could be mistaken ...)

Jen Swan

I like the idea of a wheel of writing challenges. “Write the story from the end”, “Write the fight scene after or before workout” , “if the scene takes place in espresso bar write it in an espresso bar”, “the scene involving family dynamics, write it after a family get together” or any number of things. That could be both fun and challenging

Zara Hoffman

I voted 16-21st because it's the only one I'd maybe be able to do the experiment along with you.

Ashley Pedigo

Sarah Cahill just posted an awesome video about how she drafted her most recent novel by letting people on Discord and streams pick which scene she wrote. It’d be super cool to do an experiment like that with a short story/novella, letting folks on discord and Twitch pick which scene you wrote.


A fun mini experiment would be having the new kitten pick your writing routine Or testing if “writing on location” actually improves writing a short story. For example, if you plan to write a short rom com that takes place at a coffee shop, does writing in a coffee shop improve the your word count? Lower it? Does it help or hinder creativity in general?

Rainy Hammer

Lately I have been trying to read before I sit down and write. In hopes that my writing will be better because I have a narrative voice. I am immitating a voice. I am just getting my brain soaked with words before I start writing. Maybe that is a Mini experiment you could do. Check if you feel like your writing and wording is easier.


I have found that I often write best with a candle burning. I know you've done writing experiments before where you lit a candle, but my question is: Does the scent matter? Do you write better with one scent over another? Does one scent work best for one project and a different one for another? It could be easy to test too, and just burn different candles for different sprints throughout the day.