A couple plans, a couple questions! 🦄 (Patreon)
Hey y'all! I want to throw out some ideas and plans we came up with during the Patreon livestream yesterday.
First off, Camp NaNoWriMo is coming up. (That's right, it's Prepune! Bahaha.) And I wanted to do our own weekly livestreams again. I already stream Tuesday - Friday on Twitch, and don't super enjoy doubling up on sprint days, SO that leaves Mondays, Saturdays, and Sundays for potential patron-only Camp NaNo sprints! Would y'all prefer to have a dedicated day throughout July where we sprint together OR switch it up (so potentially more/different people would be able to join occasionally, depending on schedules)? Let me know!
Also during the stream, Rainy Hammer let us know that they're currently attempting ~chaos scheduling~ by randomly selecting which of their projects they work on each day. (So, in theory, you'd work on one of your projects per day, not knowing which it would be until that morning, but by the end of the week, you'd have worked on ALL the projects you have.) With Rainy's blessing - IF they don't absolutely hate this experiment bahaha - I'll be trying and vlogging it too!
So my question for the rest of y'all is if you've tried a new writing routine or writing experiment and would like me to attempt it too! (Or if you have something you've wanted to try for a while and would rather see me flail in my attempt first bahaha.)
Thanks everyone and happy June!! 🦄