RESULTS: Money & Creativity Survey!! (Patreon)
Hey everyone! As the Form has been mostly stagnant the last few days, I figured it was time to share the results of our community poll surrounding money and creativity.
First things first, I want to recognize the creativity in some of these answers (especially the first one!). There's a lot of nuance to be had in, "do you work in a creative capacity or field?"
And I looooooooved the responses. Special shout-out to answers like:
"I'm a stay at home mom, I have to get creative sometimes...I just don't get paid for it!"
"Programming is puzzle art."
"...I'm a teacher so I'm always creating materials and curriculum-based resources..."
It's really fun to see how our creativity manifests itself in "non-traditional" ways or in jobs that people don't often think of as creative. Back in my corporate days, I liked to think of myself as an Excel Wizard and that definitely lended itself to creating and putting my personal touch on things!
These next two questions, when placed side by side (so not how they were in the survey bahaha) are really interesting to me!
For me personally, it's been a really interesting transition from writing & YouTube being my reprieve or escape when work wasn't going suddenly YouTube & writing being the work and needing to find a new escape. (Though 99.7% of the time I'm exceptionally happy and feel so lucky that's my dynamic now!)
It's also really cool to see that while the majority of us do hope to make some money from our writing someday (and I see y'all who haven't decided or don't want that!), there's a more vocal/larger minority who don't necessarily want (or don't know if they want) that to be their entire income.
I think that really speaks to the complexity of what an ideal work-life balance is!
(Also the graph below is for how many of us are currently making over 50% of our income from our art, no matter what that income is.)
And for the answer I'm most surprised by, it has to be just how comfortable most of y'all are with sharing money and earnings in relation to creative prospects. (I'm a huge advocate for sharing as much information as possible in these instances, but it's taken me a while to get comfortable with that!!!)
If you wouldn't mind, PLEASE comment down below with some extra insight as to why you selected the number you did! 💙💚 I still need to dig deeper into the data to see if 4 and 5 remain the most popular answer for those already making most of their money from their art.
As a personal anecdote, it's really interesting to see the difference in my corporate days vs. now, in terms of how openly people talk about money. Within the arts, I've found that it can be hard to talk about money when you're not making a whole lot (though there's a camaraderie in that group!) but it's harder even to talk about when you start making money. (Now you have friends that are also artists but haven't managed to "break out" yet or haven't had their first sale yet, etc.)
Compared to my corporate days, where it seems the higher up you get, the more comfortable you feel talking about the income you're earning. Has this been anyone else's experience??
(Also worth noting how companies, in the U.S. at least, tend to shame you out of talking about your salary to colleagues!! I think this also bleeds over into talking about it within your field, even at different companies, sometimes too. This really only helps the companies and not the people!)
Lastly, it was SO INCREDIBLY COOL to see how many awesome creative hobbies and passions we all have! The list is HUGE but it was so fun seeing the numerous DnD players, the person with the YouTube channel talking about fountain pens and ink, all of the cross-stitchers, the digital drawers, those that love origami and gardening and baking and playing the ukulele! Thank you so much for sharing your passions with me, it has been so heart-warming and inspiring to read through the list!
Besides the extra insight on talking about money openly or sharing figures, PLEASE ALSO comment down below if you have any extra questions or comments. Thank you all again so much for filling out the survey, I appreciate it!!