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Hey everyone! Dropping in with some quick information. 

The Discord server has been up and running for a little over 2 months now. Everyone should have been ~automagically~ connected by the powers at Patreon, but PLEASE comment down below if you weren't added. There's a whole awesome, incredible group over in the #sprint-sprint-sprint channel that is CRUSHING it each day. If you've been wanting some daily accountability and writing buddies, I highly recommend you check it out. The other channels are just as fun and people are using them in all sorts of cool ways (like forming groups of newbie vloggers??) so I hope to see y'all there.

(For those of you who weren't automatically connected, but figured out how to do it after, could you please drop some helpful tips for those who want to join?? THANKS SO MUCH in advance!)

And while I have you here...

The Twitch live write-in schedule is every Monday and Friday at 10am CST throughout October! Mostly I'll be prepping for NaNoWriMo, but I might occasionally work on some other projects too! It's a fun time and you shouldn't need to create an account to watch.

As for YouTube, I'll be participating in the WWWriteathon this coming weekend, the 10th and 11th. Tentatively I'm scheduled to help co-host the final sprint on Liselle Sambury's channel!

And to bring it all back around to Discord, a pretty big, awesome group is going to have their shared 10K Day on Saturday, October 24th, where that same #sprint-sprint-sprint channel will be going nonstop. I have plans to be in there all day and attempt it myself! :) Maaaaaybe even as an experiment? We'll see!



Hi Kate! I don’t think I was added, is there a link somewhere to join? Thank you 😊


Hi Kate! I was also not added and would really like to be apart of it. 😊


I wasn't automatically added even though I've connected my patreon to my discord, but my current theory is it's because I chose a custom tier (I just prefer that my patreons be in multiples of 5?) So I'm still waiting to hear whether I just need to go down to the regular $1 tier or if there's another solution. Maybe a manual add to the discord server?


I am copying and pasting these comment from @writative from a little while ago where they figured out how to get into the discord: "Hey Yall, I got myself in, I'm going to try to lead yall there too. First things first, go to Discord, sign up and get signed in. Okay now over here on Patreon, on Kate's page, Below the Teal bar are three tab-like links "Posts ,My Membership, and Community". Click on My Membership. Over on the right side you'll see several boxes. One says Discord community and has a blue Connect to Discord button. Smack it and a permissions page will come up, just like when you use a phone app, hit allow at the bottom and then go hope on Discord and the "Project Discord" Room should show up! Now get in here!!" I had to go on patreon on my laptop to do it - I hope this helps


I wasn't added but would love to join!


Azure just helped me out with their comment! I’m in now 😊 thanks!


Hello! I would also like to be added. Looking forward to the sprints!


Also... I did try to follow the earlier comment instructions both on the app and in my browser but neither option worked for me. Patreon is already connected to Discord through a couple of other Creators that I support. I'm not sure why it didn't automatically add Kate's channel.


Where are those instructions? How can I join? Can someone post a link?


I would love to be added on discord!! :)


I wasn't added, either... Is there a link?


I wasn't added, my name is different to my email I think? I'm AvalinYoung#6137


I don't think my patreon is connected to discord. Is there a join link floating around?


Does anyone have the like to Kates Twitch?


Hi Roisin! Could you try following the Patreon instructions here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role#h_a3a13f16-01d6-4e71-8040-fc3b91183ed7 It should take you directly to the "My Creator just added Discord as a benefit" option! :)


Hey Samantha! When following these instructions (https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role#h_a3a13f16-01d6-4e71-8040-fc3b91183ed7) do you see the Connect button? Or is it something you've already pressed? Thanks!


Hey Andrew! Could you try follow Patreon's directions here? https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role#h_a3a13f16-01d6-4e71-8040-fc3b91183ed7 It might also need you to disconnect and then reconnect. Let me know if that doesn't work!


I got my auto-add after going into my profile --> about me (edit) --> apps --> discord (connect)


I couldn't figure out the other explanation, so in case someone needs an alternate way!

Regina Duke

I had to create an account


I tried following the directions but I can't get it to work. I'm ShinyElle#9516


Hi I also followed the direction but it hadn’t added me. Is there a code or something that I can enter to find the discord group??


Hey ShinyElle! If you follow what Emily did (I got my auto-add after going into my profile --> about me (edit) --> apps --> discord (connect)), can you let me know if that works for you??

Katelyn Rader

I feel like I need a tutorial on discord bc there is SO MUCH going on on there and the notifications are going nuts and bots???? 🤦🏻‍♀️ I haven’t used discord in years and I feel like I can’t figure it out now 😅


I've connected and disconnected from the Discord Patreon. Nothing. May I please be manually added? Username is KJL#4548


New to Patreon and would like to be added to the server! my user is shayzus#3175


Hiya! I've tried and failed, please add me I'm at TKB304#3923 :) Thanks!


It should automatically connect you! :) You may have to restart your computer/Patreon/Discord but should be able to find it under the My Memberships tab. Sometimes it takes Patreon a bit to connect. :)


It should automatically connect you! :) You may have to restart your computer/Patreon/Discord but should be able to find it under the My Memberships tab. Sometimes it takes Patreon a bit to connect. :)


It may take a day for Patreon to connect! It tends to struggle at the beginning of the month.


Same here, tried a couple times and couldn't join. My username is Roromihn (She / Her)#0768 Thanks! :)


I've been inactive on patreon for a while, are you still able to add new people? Pen4aStoryteller#7296

Emily Louise

Just joined and it's not connecting my Discord to my Patreon. Annoying!


Sometimes it takes a couple hours. (I've seen it take up to the next day.) I have noooo idea why, but I'll double-check tomorrow if it hasn't connected by then!!

Chandra Arthur

I wasn't added to the discord SeeChanWrite#0976