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For extra information!

Option 1: "Designated Days"
Y'all know how I love to juggle multiple projects, but this would test if juggling on a weekly vs. daily basis is better. So instead of switching every few hours, for example, Meridian Maps #4 would be the only project I can write in on Tuesday, I can only touch my short stories on Thursday, etc. I think it would be interesting to see if there's an effect on longterm flow and drive throughout the day and, if I can routinely push past momentary story problems, if this would result in more work completed.

Option 2: "Writing Vacation"
As the name suggests, I would be taking a vacation from writing. No. Fiction. Writing. Allowed. Mostly this would serve as a refresh from Camp NaNoWriMo (and, if it went well, I'd replicate it after November too) but also to see how soon my brain starts "itching" to draft/edit again. I have a lot of fear surrounding taking a break - even when I need them - so I think this would be interesting to compare where my mental headspace and productivity is after my "vacation."

I'll check-in on the results by Monday, August 3rd and go with the winner. :) If the results are more evenly split than usual, I'll find a way to fit both in.




I voted for "designated days" but I'd like to see both of these!


I’d love to see either, but I voted Designated Days because I don’t project hop in a day and I’m curious how doing the opposite of your routine would go!

Eileen Kohnle

I voted for the vacation, because I really want to see if someone determined (I hope I spelled this correctly XD) like you CAN actually pause such a huge part of their writing ^^

Kumi Mendoza

Girl! You need a vacation. Not even as an experiment lol take your vacation girl. U work too hard.


I picked vacation, one because you need one ESPECIALLY this year, But also because I think limiting yourself to one project might kill you. I don't know, I think it would be a good experiment, but don't try it without a safety net. The withdrawals from short fiction alone has ruined many a happy home ;)

Dee Straith

Vacation! You deserve it!!!!


As much as I'm sure you want a break from camp, I voted for designated days!


I voted for designated days but I love both! Do both!

Zara Hoffman

Do both, eventually! But I definitely voted for designated days because I want to see if that system will work for me


I voted for Designated Days but you work so much I think if you need a vacation def take one!

A Howard

Vacation. Someone should take a vacation, if I can't.

Anja Kuemski

Actually I'd say, take that vacation and then try the Designated Days.


I voted vacation because I need one myself at the moment. I would love to see the Designated Days as well. Tried that myself but I really am a multiproject mood writer so I ended up scrapping it after couple of weeks.


i voted designated days... but i think 1 or 2 days should be VACATION days.....


I'd love to see the content you'd come up with if not writing focused for an entire month. You're such a creative person -- definitely voting Vacation.

Regina Duke

August 1st!!! 35K subscribers!!!! Congratulations!!! [imagine confetti and marching band in this space] <3


I love the idea of the first one and see if it really does help you. I know for me it would be bad, very very bad Lol. As I can't help but write what is in my head at the time and if I don't it flies away never to return. but you definitely need to take a break when you need one and don't be worried about the fear.

Amy Lehman

I voted for designated days because I wrestle with this and would like to know how the system works. I would love to see the writing vacation one sometime as well though.


Hey everyone! Sorry to ask but do you know what type of passion planner Kate uses? I really want to get one but I dont know which one haha. Thanks!

Emily McCosh

I think all of her supplies are listed in the discription of her youtube videos :)