MAY'S MONTHLY EXPERIMENT (join me in a poem a day??) (Patreon)
Hey guys!
I don't know if it's this quarantine/lockdown or if this has been a natural progression, but I really want to explore different types of writing. So for May, I thought, "why not poetry?"
Now, I'm under no illusions that I'll magically become a poet in a month, BUT...wouldn't it be fun to compare the struggle at the beginning of the month to the (hopefully slightly smaller) struggle at the end of the month?
For some reason I've also been recently obsessed with bingo boards? Maybe because I've been researching all these cool readathons (that I then proceed not to participate in). So I've come up with a bingo board for myself for my ~Month of Poetry~. However, I still need some suggestions.
Currently, I have 16 spaces filled with:
- Types of poems (sonnet, haiku, free verse, ode, response, limerick, slam, and blackout/erasure) and
- Sort of general themes (nature, failure, a meta on writing, the self, success, the world, peace, fear).
I need 8 more spaces though. SO if you have a sort of general/loose theme for a poem, please comment down below so I can put it on my bingo board bahaha!
I think I'll make a physical copy of the board so I can hang it near my desk but I'll also create a virtual copy so that if y'all want to participate with me, you can! And because creativity is so hard to force, even or sometimes especially when given prompts, I'm debating making an alternative! You can get a bonus "free space" for every 6 poems you create that don't match a theme. (You only need max 5 spaces to get bingo so if you do a poem a month, you win no matter what bahaha. See how I workaround my own rules?? It's great.)
What do you think? Am I crazy? Is this a good idea? What's your history with poetry?
An addition to this goal is I'd like to read more poems and poetry books, so if you have a favorite, please let me know! :)