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Once upon a time (way back in September 2018), I decided to try a 24-hour write-a-thon. It was brutal and hilarious and I wrote 15,000 words and, most importantly, I learned my lesson: 24 hours straight of anything is absolutely ridiculous.

However, it's been a while since I learned my lesson and I don't have the best memory. Basically, I want to try again. This was partially inspired by Rebecca Armstrong's request to do more "race against the clock" type of videos and especially Danica Redfern wondering if it's even possible to write a book in 24 hours. Here I am to take on (and fail) that challenge.

So what I'm thinking is:

1) I'm going to outline the crap out of this idea. (Expect some outlining vlogs to come.) I won't draft this project at all outside of the 24 hours of the experiment.

2) I'm going to alternate sprint lengths throughout the day and host several live write-ins day-of. (Tentatively planned for Saturday the 21st so that most people will be able to join in at some point.)

What I want to know from y'all: how would you like to be included or involved in this experiment? Are live write-ins enough? Do you want some instagram content? Do you want to help with suggestions if I get stuck? Let me know!

(Also, I should have February's 9-to-5 experiment out on March 5th!)



You could keep us posted via your Instagram story. That way, if people want to partake in this they (and you, if you’d like to follow back whomever is joining in) can follow the progress. Especially the updates on coffee! Haha


You know we would totally love to help you if you get stuck, and those live write ins are going to be so much fun!


This sounds like an amazing idea!!! And yes Instagram is a great way to interact. And maybe making it a whole community thing. That sounds exhausting but fun! But having everyone who wants to try and do it along with you should keep us all motivated. Kinda like Maddi’s 10k challenge!

Charlotte Armstrong

Yes to all of the livestreams!!!! Also Instagram stories are always fun and some polls/ helping you decide stuff if you get stuck would be awesome!!!


That sounds absolutely crazy (in a fun and good way)! I'm excited to see how you're doing in this experiment. :) Definitely looking forward to the write-ins and will try to join as many as I can. Otherwise I'm up for anything. I say, get all the support you need for this experiment! :D


I think livestreams would be a lot of fun.


I'll definitely give advanced warning in case anyone wants to attempt this alongside me!!

Kristina Tickle

Oh man! That's brave of you! I love livesteams! (Especially late ones from 6pm-4am-- Night Owl here!) Later steams could also help keep you awake! Totally here for any and all content haha

Jacqui Pretty

Hi Kate, I'd love to see your outlining process for this, and pictures of your outlines would be super interesting on Instagram. I'm trying out a bunch of different plotting methods, so am always curious about what works for other writers. :D


Bahaha, I'm gonna need some way for y'all to type/yell back like WAKE UP when it's real late. 😂


I don't usually outline but figured I can't go in blind, so I'll definitely be trying some different methods!! Do you have a favorite so far??


Hey Kate, hoping I can catch your attention here vs YouTube. I was wondering if you were using the Camp NaNo website this year? I’ve noticed that it has become only for those under 17 (or maybe it was always that way & I’m delusional). How are you keeping track of you aren’t utilizing the website? I’d love to know so that I can track as well! 😊

Adam Stevenson

I haven't written in a while.... but I will help you carry this burden. For as long as it's yours to bear. Always been a massive fan of the live write in either here or on youtube. So if I have to strap on the old guns again and get my ass in the chair to help you (help me :) ) then I'm in 1000%.


I think they integrated the Camp website into the NaNoWriMo website. When I go to the main site, it says "Welcome to Camp!"

Regina Duke

You are on my calendar!!! I'm too old to try 24 hours in a row. But I will jump in and write along as many times as I can during the day. :)


I’m so excited for write ins! I haven’t ever participated in one but I feel like it’ll be fun!!