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Here's the first batch of patron sketches! Figured I'd post them since they were done, even if the rest of them aren't yet.

If you don't see your sketch here, never fear! It's just still in progress.

I'll be sending out everyone's files once the second batch is done!




You gave Dust Bunny PANTS, I'm so CHARMED?! The sheer chaotic "holy fuck ROCKS" energy is perfect! ;n;


OH DOES HE NOT HAVE PANTS?? He's wearing SOMETHING, I just couldn't tell what it was LMAO


HAHA NO he wears a lil belt... to hold another rock LMAO I didn't realise it was that hard to see, he's just too tiny....!! But like I'm literally in LOVE with the Dust Bunny pants, I haven't stopped thinking about it since you uploaded this. Just a decent little city spriggan in little shorts... running after my Au Ra warrior with his little rocks.............. it's too cute, okay, I love it!


THANK YOU FOR THE LOVELY DRAWING. Burr is all ready for Halloween but if you spook him he WILL cry.


Lovely, I yearn to be as relaxed as my sketch again.