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Not art-related, but figured you guys might like to know: got my first covid shot today, and will be getting the second in a few weeks!

Really looking forward to being able to go places again!



I'm holding out for just a bit. I'd prefer to get a single dose vaccine. But regardless, I am going for it at some point. Congrats though. I totally agree with going places. We are going down to Texas in a little more than a week to see the spring flowers blooming.


Awesome, freedom comes soon!!


Hoo yiu git vaccin ? Well what vaccin it is ?? Rassure me is not the astra zeneka....


Hopefully you'll get a chance to soon! I'm willing to get the two stabs, even though I'm completely needle-phobic, but I don't blame anybody for preferring to get just one.


S O O N! I haven't been able to see my family, partner, friends other than my room-mates, or basically ANYBODY since before March 2020, so it's wild to actually have the end in sight.


Amazing news! I get mine on Saturday!


Got my second dose a week ago friday and am now hosting my first out of town company in a year. Moderna or Pfizer are fine. Team "vaccine" for the win!


Congrats and good luck!! Mine went really quickly, so hopefully yours will too!