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While I've still got some regular commissions in the works, I really wanted to do something fun for Halloween, and as usual, this is open to my patrons even though I don't post about these on FurAffinity! 

While all the usual rules are the same, this sale's a bit different from my normal ones! A few of you already know I'm a horror fanatic, but the spooky stuff is not typical dirtybird fare so it might come as a surprise to you that when I'm not drawing cute Pokemon doing kinky shit, I actually consider myself a horror artist.

So c'mon and let me draw some monsters for yall!


  1. Send me $6-$12 on my Ko-Fi! Ko-Fi takes money in three-dollar increments, so you’re buying me two (or four) coffees in Ko-Fi-talk!
  2. In the message bar, you MUST indicate that you are getting a monster commission, and whether or not it’s black-and-white or color.
  3. ALSO in the message bar, you MUST link to a good, clear visual reference of the character you would like me to draw! I am normally available for character-design commissions, but the point of these is do them as fast and efficiently as possible while juggling multiple windows, so keeping it streamlined and simple is a must.
  4. AND ALSO in the message bar, let me know who you are and how you stumbled across this! AKA, If you're a patron of mine, mention that! It will help me get a better idea of where the traffic is coming from.
  5. Submit your payment + details before 11:59 PM EST on Friday, October 30th, 2020. These add up VERY fast, AND I also have regular commission work on the docket, so it is possible I won’t get around to yours immediately-- but as long as it’s submitted before the cutoff, it will be added to the queue and completed regardless!
  6. ONE PER PERSON, PLEASE! These add up very quick and I want everyone to get theirs in as timely a manner as possible.
  7. OPTIONAL: If you want some background noise/visuals during your spooky festivities, join me on Twitch Halloween night (October 31st, starting at 5pm EST) to watch some of these (perhaps even... YOURS!) get drawn! They’re all done on the same canvas and in the order paid for, and it’s overall a chill time. There’s even music! We have fun.
  8. VERY NOT-OPTIONAL: Any coffees bought/money sent that DOES NOT TAKE THESE RULES INTO ACCOUNT (ex: no info included, no visual reference included, submitted after the cutoff, etc etc) will be considered a tip, and you won’t get anything. So PLEASE, make sure you know what you want (and communicate it clearly in your Ko-Fi payment!) before sending anything!
  9. Lastly, like the rules listed in the image above, this particular sale is only for MONSTERS! If you’re not sure whether or not the critter you want qualifies, feel free to message me and ask.

THAT’S IT! Looking forward to (hopefully) a deluge of delightful beasts!




So how many it cost fir a colored on ? I wouldlike participate ^^


$12! Same price as last time, only difference is that I will only be drawing monster characters. c:


Haa thanks hehe and don't worry I will ask you an other Amelia Vicar gehehe but this time she'll maybe play her "scarry-job" despite she is becole nice in my world ;3 (she do it for Halloween hehe, dhe want lot of candy !!)


Oh boy!! I would love to draw her again! I'm sure she still has fun being scary even if she's calmed down, haha.


Hehe yeah you told me last time you loved and wanted draw here since a while where here is your glory-moment ! And yeah she is calm down and nice but she use her scary side for got lot of candy flr can give them to childrens she health in her hospital X3 and she know just her face will be enough but I'll ask you a soecial request ! I want you do her withiut her head-cover and I'll send you a reff of my 6 eyes version ( if it's okay for you) she'll look even more scary with all her eyes exposed X3 ( even if she is cute in my style despite her 6 eyes face ;p)


My soecual request is she'll wear a nurse outfit and will play de "devil-scary" nurse, the kind to have a big tool from her size in her hands and said to you " Hey there.. let me take care of you, it's just a little "necessary" sting );3...." I had not enough space in the ko-fee message so I let the color ref for Amelia just here : - https://sta.sh/21mzqt7az8zo?edit=1