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WHEW, better late than never.

Thank you so much everyone. I hate to have fallen behind but your support makes such a huge difference to me!

Will be getting August's sketch submission post up tomorrow. The deadline will be extended an extra week!




Ho but it's us than thank you Kit ^^ thanns for be so nice with each of us, for give us the occasion to share a good moment between supporter on your stream, for the passion and quality you put in each draw even a simple sketch ^^ . Since the first time I have saw one of you draw I'm still enjoying all you do and have no any regret to have decide to support you here ! You can count on me and all your other support here but also on your follower on FA than we'll still give you all the appreciation (for not said love than is a bit "too much X3) than you desserve ^w^/ !


Thank you, all of them look great!


What a variety, and in every sketch a story. You know, some folks on FA have fewer pics in their whole gallery than what I see on this page.