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What's up everybody, this is a little later than normal due to the general 'rona situation, but here's March's sketches! Welcoming a couple of new people to the monthly sketch squad this month!

To give you all a general update, this quarantine thing is really wearing me (and probably a lot of you too) down-- but I'm doing my best to stay on top of the workload, and thankful that I'm one of the lucky folks who has work at all right now.

April's sketch submission and Ask the Gang posts should be going up around the middle of the month like normal, even if the comics aren't all done yet. I appreciate y'all's understanding and patience in the meantime!

(Also, did I ever send out the files last month? I could have sworn I did but now I'm doubting my wretched swiss cheese brain. Let me know if you still need your files and I'll be sure to include them when I send these ones!)




Thanks for your kind words Kit, I hooe you and your beloved are safe too >~< *hug* also as always all these pics are cute ^^ thanks ! ( Ho and I still wait the one lf the last month in my usual asked format >~< but maybe you have forgot it )


Quarantined dog holding up strong! I hope you are as well. I also did not get the last month one XD


All things considered we're doing okay! But still scary and stressful. And I think I must have forgotten, d'oh. I'll send last month's files along with this month when I send them out!


Hehe don't worry for that, I knew y9u had certainly forgot and I haven't blame you ^^. All than count is you are safe and okay buddy >~< !! Thanks for have give us news here we all was worry so thanks for have rassure us. Also yeah it's stressfull what happen these last tile.... but all we can do now is follow the rules established in our country and respect them, be patient and wait. We'll pass this crise together us all ^^


Hey Hake, I love your sketch! Would it be ok for you if Birdy sent me the HD version, too?


Gehehe you talking about our little ori receiving a welcole-back from his forest ? Well I'm happy you like it too X3 it realy have turn very well. Now I wait Kit send it to me for I can color it and add it at my collection. And about your ask well I haven't problels to accept on my side ^^ However pleas ask to Kit too about it ;3 this draw is still his draw as long it haven't be send to me !


Despite my attempts to be reclusive, I'm still working. But when I'm home I'm totally sleeping and trying to ignore the world


Several of my friends are in that situation as well-- stay safe out there!


This month's all look awesome, thank you! Can I grab my last month's too please when you send them out, and the sketchstream if you still have it? Thanks and stay safe all of you!