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Hi there!

Let’s go with a post with several topics to discuss:


During the latest months we’ve been suffering a ‘plague’ of people requesting refunds without reason a.k.a ‘I want your content for free’ people. For that reason, we’re not going to do refunds anymore. We’ve put a warning on the description of the support page.


I’ve updated the project list with the latest releases and from now on, this will be the only and unified way to find all the links for projects, Fantasy cards, etc. this will make our lives easier every time we need to update links. You can find the link here and on the 'about' patreon section.


OK, now let’s go for the ‘good’ part.

I was expecting to have a low number of votes but… only 7?! Are you kidding me?!

Well, the good part of this, is that when the time comes and we’ll start with the OIU releases and then the ‘fans’ comes to say: ‘hey, are you gonna add XXXX character?’ / ‘It would be cool if you add XXXX character as a party member’ I’ll be able to show them the finger without any hesitation. 😉

And now for the results…

Number of team members…

Looks like we’ve a similar opinion here 😉 but I want to say here that in the future, when the game is completed, I have the idea to add more characters with some updates.

Which proportion do you prefer for the team?

We had the initial idea of a proportional team but taking in consideration this result we’ve decided to put: 4 guys and 6 gals 😊

Favorites ‘husbandos’ and ‘waifus’

Now, with that data, Meguido and I have created the final party for the game, taking into account several factors like: the survey results, the character jobs, the proportion and variety to have characters from different FF games and not only from one. Do you want to know some of the characters?

Male characters: Kintaro (the main character), Barret (from FFVII)

Female characters: Tefa (which is Tifa from FFVII), Rydia (from FFIV)

I want to add one more thing: even if the character isn’t on the party, it can be present in the game as a NPC.

Someone added/voted Cindy to/in the poll and we can confirm that she will be in the game as a NPC playing an important role for the reconstruction of certain area of the game and of course, she will have some ‘romantic encounters’ with Kintaro.


We continue working on the story. I’ve written a timeline covering all the main events of the main story from start to finish and now we’re expanding it with more sub-plots, story for the characters, summons and the overall world.

We also have been discussing about characters’ jobs and how they will work with our current ‘stats upgrade system’. I think the ideas we have will give it a bit more depth to this classic gameplay system.


We’ve done some changes on the discord server adding some new off-topic channels for everyone and a voice channel for active patrons/supporters. Hope you like them.

And that’s all for now.

Regards <3


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