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Me and some buddies are bouncing around ideas for a Mice and Swords setting. This unnamed street mouse is likely gonna get a lot more love in the future.

Also some of you old timers might recognize this old OC of mine from forever ago. Her name's Dirt, and I adjusted her design a bit :)




Yoooo it’s Dirt!


okay fine i’ll have sex with the mouse


long neck Scarlet

Richard Awesome

Ah yes the Armello girls. Lots of good candidates.


awww, I miss that Mouse knight :D

Gerbil Man X (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-05 00:13:47 Heck yeah & <3 I love seeing rogue mouse's evolution. The Armello lewds nourish me.
2023-05-04 21:34:44 Heck yeah & <3 I love seeing rogue mouse's evolution. The Armello lewds nourish me.

Heck yeah & <3 I love seeing rogue mouse's evolution. The Armello lewds nourish me.