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I have covid! Test kit said wait for 15 min to see if the test line shows positive but that sumbitch lit up like a Christmas tree after 2 minutes. I'm not feeling too bad now, but I wanted to let y'all know I don't have this Friday's page done yet, and if my symptoms get worse I won't be able to get it done by then. If my symptoms stay as they are (minor body ache, sore sinus, runny nose), I can work through it with ibuprofen.

If I can't get that page to you Friday, know that I'll double up on pages next week if I have to in order to catch up, meaning 2 pages at once next Friday, assuming covid doesn't last that long.

I know masks aren't in fashion anymore but keep wearing them anyways. That is an order.



Is you covid is anything like the one i got it’s going to be one week of hell then a week of getting better i hope you feel okay but the others are right no need to go crazy over the comic work on you own health while your sick and thanks all the work you have done so far

Sean Russ

No need to over work yourself 💙 take your time recovering, I bet a lot of us won’t mind being a week behind 💙

David Ewell

If you got vaxxed then the symptoms should not be that bad compared to not being vaxxed. Your health comes first so take a break, kick back and relax until your better.


Sorry to hear you caught the plague. I got over mine just a couple weeks ago but no lasting symptoms thankfully. Get a ton of naps in, stay warm, stay fed and watered, and you'll be back in smut-drawing form in no time 😊 take care


shit happens man, hope you feel better soon.


Keep taking care


Get Better soon man. Gotta take care of yourself!

Pasta va Zull

COVID is no joke. Obviously take a week off. At least they are vaccinated

Leonid Nois

A new wave of covid in Sirocistan! Stay safe! :3


I'm a new patron, hope you feel better. I love your work.