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I'll be live around 4pm CST.

Here's the link to the stream: https://picarto.tv/Siroc/338343DXw8NuxX6FuB8u4gDxwhd70LJ3nHE

If you have any questions or comments on the topics below (Or anything art or patreon-related) feel free to swing by and ask em, or leave them here as a comment if you can't make the stream. I'll post the meeting minutes at some point after the stream. I really just want to touch bases with you guys in a more personal and informal manner and give you a better understanding of what goes on under the hood, and make sure this artistic endeavor is moving in the right direction.

Main topics I'll be touching on today include:

-Feedback on BWB

-Upcoming comics

-Brainstorming and thought process

-Other possible comics?

-Standalone illustrations

-Any other directions to take with Patreon, or fun things to do?

-Open questions


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