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All text for EC has been written! 

I'm now moving to develop the game itself by developing the scenes I just finished writing and the gameplay for each girl.  

Once that's done, I'll submit to playtesting and will release the game for you all. All 34 girls, no broken down releases.  

Thank you for your support guys! I hope you guys enjoy it when it's ready! 

Development Overhaul: 

-Sprites: Done!
-Story: Done!
-Scene Texts: Done!
-Art: Done!
-Maps: Done!
-Gameplay: I'm about to begin.



Exciting! Thank you for the update.

July -

Thanks alot, im looking forward to EC but when will SC continue?

July -

Okay thanks. V still hasnt fully recovered? Oh man it must be a serious problem for him


Yep! I'm still waiting for him to fully recover. Hopefully he can come back soon. The main reason why I started EC was to give him time to fully recover.


Hey! How is development going?