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Hey, guys! I hope you are all doing doing well.

I decided to make this post to tell you all what is happening, keep you guys updated on the game development and our plans for 2021. As always, I'll go by topics:

Kain's Heath:
Kain sought medical help just to clear our minds, we both wanted to know what was the cause of the problem, besides the overwork. So the doctor said that his problem was muscular, it was an injury caused by physical stress, like holding a pen for too long without proper rest. Luckily, this type of injury is fully recoverable, he just need rest and a treatment based on cold/hot application upon the injury. It was not something as serious as a tendon/joint injury. The doctor said that recovery might vary from person to person, but usually can take 1 to 3 months. January 10th will be his first month recovering. Hopefully he only need 1 month, but if he needs more I believe that he'll be 100% until the beginning of February. In our talks he asked me to 'speed thing up', which will lead me to my second topic.

Speeding things up:
Kain asked me to speed things up, so when he returns, God willing 100% recovered, we will focus only on our games, like I said in my previous post. So after the release of this incomplete chapter, that I'll call a 'demo' for chapter 3, I'll continue to develop the story, I will accelerate the music production, and I commissioned Squatterloki to make all sprites for the game, something that Kain was also doing, but luckily with Squatterloki doing it instead, things will speed up even more, since Kain will be responsible for only the art, NPCs and Succubi.

I'm aware that the game was taking too long to release, this year you guys will receive only one chapter and a half (although we did an art overhaul, but that was not a chapter). This is why we had this serious talk, Kain and I. Our objective is to release a chapter every 4 months max, so you guys can have access to 3 chapters per year. And we will be able to release a full game every one year and a half (might be a little bit more) or so. Which should be the expected time for it, considering the immense support we are getting. I'll do everything in my power to make it happen once Kain returns fully recovered.

Side Projects and my plans for 2021:
I commission two artists for two side projects that hopefully I can review in a few months. This year I learned how to better manage my time, and since quality art is something that takes time to do, I decided investing in two simultaneously. While I'm working on the main series, the art for these games will continue to be produced. This is how it works: I will keep 4 days a week working on the main series, and 2 on one of these spinoffs. The main series always takes priority, but even speeding up the production of the main series, Kain will still need time to develop the characters, time that I'll use to develop the spinoffs. In other words, I'll constantly work on the world of Succubus Covenant, alternating between the spinoffs while keeping the main series consistent. Some might say that I might be 'stretching too thin', but I'm not. I hate no being able to work, especially in this series that I love so much. And the spinoffs are shorter than the main series, but it will expand upon the world and lore of the game while keeping the core of resisting sexy succubi. I can't wait to share them with you guys.

Release Date for Chapter 3 "demo":

I'm doing my best and I believe I'll be able to properly release it from 28 to 31 this month. My guess is I'll finish everything by 27th and give this margin for the play testers to hunt for bugs and misspellings. (A huge thanks to Troll, Inez, Quiet, Rev, CBC and Sub and all my mod team! Thank you guys for all the help!). The chapter "demo" will have 5 succubi.

I sincerely apologize for not being able to release the full chapter 3 this year, but hopefully 2021 will be an awesome year for Succubus Covenant! Faster main series, and spinoffs in between releases of the main series. I could only expand upon this world because of you guys. And it's time I reward you guys for your trust and support!

Thank you. And sorry again for taking too long. I aim to fix that.



Can’t wait to test the demo


Aww, poor Kain. Was he holding the pen with an iron fist or did he simply worked too much?^^' I hope he's back to normal soon. <3


Come on guys don't give up, I'm confident of your work. Will the demo come out with animations or without? it would be nice with animations.


Without at first, but the animation work will start soon after release.


Oi, don't rush yourselves. Take as much time as you need. The game so far is FANTASTIC. Not just the NSFW part, but the story is really interesting too. First H-game since Monster Girl Quest that was able to grab my attention with the story alone. I'm dying to know what happens to the other three hunters, as well as what awaits our character as well. You guys are doing amazing work. I may have to withdraw all my other Patron subs due to money issues, but you guys...I'll stick with you guys all the way to the Scorching Hell. Keep up the good work, AND TELL KAIN TO STOP HOLDING THAT DANG PEN SO TIGHTLY! XD (Side note, would love to be able to "convert" certain succubi (basically try to make the ones that aren't really in it for the war try to call a "truce" with our hunter, like the Alraune, who only seeks knowledge. I'd also love to see Argeia and Drita make another appearance, maybe even a point where you have to take both on at the same time.)


Do you have a plan to Gallery update? I really need and want


Yep, we are going to update the recollection room as we develop the game.