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I was doing some math here and I thought about expanding the series in a few ways. If we could reach $2900 to $3000 it would be perfect for what I have in mind. Please, read below.

PS: I just closed a deal with a musician to create some original tracks for SC, so we might one day have our own original OST! 

Quality art takes a lot of time to make, and I want to keep this in all our games and future products. Quality above all else. So I'd like to start sooner to have both quality art in these side projects and them delivered in a good realist amount of time.

As you guys know, the world of Succubus Covenant is rich, with many Eras, locations and characters that could be explored.

So, here are two ways I found to explore the series and characters:

-Hire a second artist to create smaller side games focused on specific characters, like the story of a young Kain, your master, fighting in the past to prevent the invasion that is happening now.

-short manga series, like a succubus hunting a warrior and feeding on him. Or in The Tower of Ashes, where survivors and rebels try to fight them.

This way Kain will continue to work on the main series without any problems, I'll remove nothing nor it will cause any delay in the main series, and I could still expand on the world of SC.

So if you guys could help me get there, help me expand the series, I'd bring you even more content! For example, after I send the information for a manga artist,  I don't need to do anything else but to wait and deliver to you guys once it's done.

You could also help me by spreading the word around, for example, follow me on twitter:


Regardless of that, thank you so much for the help until now! We are doing our best to bring you all chapter 3 the best and as quick as we can!

Take care, guys!


Karasu Tsuki

Personally got no interest in a Mangaseries, but spin off games sound interesting. Would they contain adult content as well? Ur succubi r just too good to not have scenes with...


Absolutely! Succubi will always be in our series! But with a different theme, for example, a young Kain trying to hunt down witches and succubi summoned by them. Differently from the main series now, where the main character is fighting a full on invasion from hell.


I kinda think kains art is necessary for the authenticity. I remember in Monster Girl Quest I kinda didn't like the different at styles. But it's your choice in the end. As long as Kain does the main graphics I'll stick with it. But Kain needs to stay at any cost! 0_0


I think you misread what I said, friend! The new artist will be for the spinoff series only. This project is as much as mine as it is Kain's. So Kain will continue as the only artist for the main series, and another will come to the spinoff series. A bonus series.

Jonathan English

sounds interesting, I know that I probably sound like a broken record but will the Duchess of the leaf clan be in this chapter as a hentai scene or not yet.


don't get me wrong kain is a great artist but I can't see the point of not hiring another artist to help him in the main series. I think it would create a bit of variety, increase the quantity of the art and maybe get the work done faster. again I am fine with whatever as long as there are succubi in there.


Having multiple artist in the same project makes it more amateurish, less professional. I want quality over quantity and consistence over variety.


Bringing in another artist can be great if you and Kain focus on a style guide that would help that new artist follow a consistent look and feel


Every game will be developed by a single artist. Kain will remain as the sole artist of the main series, while the second artist will be dedicated to the spinoff game. And of course, the manga artist as well.


Personally, creators branching out makes me a little nervous, haven't seen it work out as of yet. The main series as presented is gonna be gigantic, so it seems a bit early to start exploring side avenues at this point.


Rest assured that if I see ANYTHING that could "damage" the main series in any way (like reducing the number of girls, or making you guys waiting for too long) I'll stop. What I want is to keep releasing chapters every 4 months of so, while releasing some good side content while you guys wait.


I wander how to complete chapter 2. Because I have stuck here for 1 hour after I killed last Succubus in the end of road. Now I have 4 fragments and don't know what to do next.


Go to discord, we can help you there. The link is in the pinned post.