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Hi guys! I hope everyone is well!

To the point: I was thinking in releasing only one girl in HD version per region until the official release of the game. 

The reason? It will be a spoiler for all of you.

I want you all to discover these girls in game, to stop and analyse their beauty for the first time -in game-.

If you play the game for the first time knowing all the girls, it will kill the surprise. You will know everything. You will have nothing new to explore!

I will release all girls in HD version one week after the official release of the game so you all can see them in their full glory. >:-)

Every time I post a girl it means that we finished a region and are moving on to the next.

There are 5 regions in game: 

-Vivid Forest

-Decaying Wood

-Underground Grove

-Poisoned woodland

-Lifted Gardens

So, when I receive Lesser Succubus completed (she is from the Vivid Forest) the next girl will be from the Decaying Wood, indicating that we finished Vivid Forest's girls and are now starting the Decaying Wood ones.

What do you guys think? Please, leave a comment below.



I don't know what to think about it. It would be nice to discover every succubus ingame, but if you do so, it will make long time without news of you. How long do you think you will need to make one region ? To my opinion, the best balancing between news/surprise should be one news by weeks. It doesn't have to be a picture, but at least warn us of the progress you made so far or something like that.


Oh, my friend. I'll never dream in leaving you guys without updates. This was specifically to the picture of the girls, not updates at all. And you guys are the ones who order things around here, if you guys wish I'll share the images. Is just that I don't wish to spoil you of all girls.


Personally i'd say it depends on how many succubus will be in each area. Where one being revealed is either 25% of what we will see there or something like 10% makes a big difference as far as spoilers go. Though i'd say however you wanna do it, nobody has as good an idea of whats coming more so than you do. :D


There will be 25 succubus in total. 20 from the leaf clan (I want to focus on one clan per game, so I can explain everything) and 5 you can summon under special circumstances (like finding a item, make a choice, etc) these succubus are outside the Leaf clan theme. The game will have 5 areas and each area will have 4 succubus (3 "commons" and one general). I wish to show only one common succubus in HD per area before the release of the game to not spoil too much of the story or simply kill the surprise. I want people to find a succubus in game and be like: "Holy shit! this is EXACTLY my type" instead of "Yeah, I saw her before... cool."


I know this is late, but i like this idea. I don't like to spoil myself too much, I'd rather run into a succubus in the game and be like "wow" by her appearance. Alternatively you could also just post their dark silhouettes like this <a href="https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11138/111385135/6912939-7287675559-d7igf.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11138/111385135/6912939-7287675559-d7igf.jpg</a>


Is never late, I will always listen! Interesting! I shall speak with the artist to see what can be done. Just to tease you guys and not actually review too much &gt;:-)