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After molting from her wedding dress, Meghan spent the next two weeks in and out of sweatpants while her husband stuffed her every way possible.

With Zeke's construction business booming, the newlyweds had to honeymoon at home.  At least, that's what Zeke told his bride.  In truth, it was less about keeping his clients satisfied and more about satisfying her.  He also didn't want to establish a precedence for travel.  Lots of Dennison men had stay-at-home wives, but Zeke was aiming higher...

He wanted a never-leave-home wife.

Leading up to his nuptials, Zeke's beer-drinking buddies had teased his decision to marry such a free spirit.  "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" they joked.  Zeke simply smiled and shrugged, but he knew the answer.  Meghan would never become the glorious cow she could be unless he tied the knot to coral her.

When Meghan returned to work, her students surprised her with a Party-Sized bag of M&Ms to celebrate her new "Middleton-Martin" surname.  It was gone by that afternoon.  Allison, who had once been a willing accomplice in the fattening of her sexy teacher's aide, looked on in alarm.  While she certainly didn't want the pretty blonde to shrink back to Fun Size, the way she scarfed down the Party-Sized bag it wouldn't be long before she was a portly party of one.

Allison decided not to intervene, however.  Meghan was Zeke's problem now.  He could deal with her.

And deal with her he did.

By the end of the school year, the twenty-five pounds Meghan had lost for the wedding were back with friends, but the pound party didn't really kick off until over the summer.  Meghan spent her vacation days alone in Zeke's farmhouse with nothing to do.  In Southern California, she could jog along the beach or swim in the ocean, but the farmhouse was too rural to walk anywhere and Zeke took his truck to work.  It was too hot, muggy, and buggy to do much of anything outside anyway.

So, to pass the time Meghan ate.  And ate.  And ate.

About once a week, Meghan would step on the scale, reacting with anger and indignity at the number staring back.

However, after a period of alarmed restraint--which typically entailed a few ceiling-shaking jumping jacks and a few tummy-rumbling hours sans snacks--Meghan would go back to mindlessly munching until her next weigh-in when the cycle would start again.  It was the definition of insanity.

The only thing that kept Meghan from going completely stir-crazy was Zeke.  He eventually removed the stress-inducing scale and remodeled the entire bathroom to include wider walls, a roomy walk-in shower, and a circular tub to better fit his ever-rounding wife.

"His wife must want to go upstairs," clucked neighbors who spied the construction cranes.  Sightings of Meghan that summer were rare, but rumors that she was expanding faster than Zeke's farmhouse were rampant.   Unlike most rumors that spread across Dennison County like wildfire, however, this one was true.

By the time school started again, Meghan was well over 300 pounds.  Zeke discouraged her return to the classroom--he was making plenty of money--but indulged her insistence with yet another new wardrobe.  He figured it was only a matter of time before her determination dwindled.

He didn't have to wait long.

A lot had changed since Meghan last stepped into the classroom.  The biggest change, of course, was to Meghan herself.  The vivacious young vixen who once chased children at recess was gone.  So were the kids who had loved her and grown with her the previous year.  They'd been replaced by all-new fifth-graders, most of whom giggled at her girth.  Meghan never had to deal with teasing when she'd attended school, but the rotund blonde suddenly found herself the subject of cruel classroom whispers.

After a week of enduring murmured monikers like "Meaty Ms. Meghan," the tubby teacher's aide tendered her resignation.

And that, for all intents and purposes, was the last anyone heard from Meghan Middleton-Martin.  The Ladies Auxiliary moved on to better, though not necessarily bigger things and the menfolk found other girls to ogle.  "She's fine," is all Zeke would say when folks inquired, and while piteous whispers of "Poor Zeke" followed the foreman on his solo shopping trips to the Piggly Wiggly and unaccompanied visits to church, the truth was he'd never been happier.  He didn't lament the fact that his High School hottie had become a housebound heifer--he relished in it.  

He was a contractor, after all.  He liked building things.

And while Zeke couldn't say he truly loved his wife, he acknowledged the powerful mutual attraction that had captured the heart of the girl who once told him she "didn't want to be pinned down..."





Matt L.

You have written another classic, smoothly written and entertaining. Given contemporary standards to beauty, the heavier version of Meghan wouldn't be as respected or appreciated by the new students. Meghan size would make her a big target for jokes, and on that note, I'm very delighted your character became especially tubby. Illustrations top notch as well.


Thanks, Matt! Glad you enjoyed it. It was a fun story to write.