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Dear Mavrip Patrons:

Summer is here and the livin’ is easy! (As long as you’re inside with air conditioning and an Internet connection!)

One of the benefits of having a Patreon partner is if one of us is busy at work, traveling, sick, or otherwise unable to contribute much at a given time, the other can pick up the slack. Last summer, Riptoryx was invaluable in keeping things rolling while I battled a host of health issues. This summer, a lingering illness has silenced Riptoryx’ voice (quite literally, which has impeded progress on the narration of “The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea”), but fortunately, I’m feeling well—knock on wood—and my creative juices are flowing!

In addition to the continuation of Mavrip staples, “Meghan’s Misadventures” and “The Harem on the Hill,” we have two new projects we’re ready to announce—both of which were influenced by your input in last month’s Patreon poll! Want some details? Well, OK…just this once!

Meet Savannah Georgia, the sexy crossover country star who’s been topping charts and breaking concert attendance records ever since she was sixteen. Now she’s thirty and wants to slow down. Will AI allow her to rest while the gravy train rolls on? Or will having her cake and eating it too derail both her career and her figure?

“Savannah’s Swan Song” is an upcoming serial that will feature never-before-published illustrations by our friend and frequent collaborator, Magmaman. It will take the place of "Meghan’s Misadventures" when that story runs its course next month, but will have a much darker and more ominous tone.  I think you’ll dig it!

In other news, I was recently brainstorming with Riptoryx about a project for the site and the topic of great unfinished weight-gain stories came up. “Practical Joke,” a summertime tale of weight-gain revenge based around Fat Camp hijinks by genre master Greinskyn, ranked highly on both our lists. Although it ends just as the campers’ efforts to bring down the beautiful but overbearingly bitchy counselor, Amber Cullins, are beginning to bear fatty fruit, the fine set-up and final scene still have us hankering for more ten years later.

The good news is, it looks like that abandoned classic will finally be completed…and we’ll be the ones doing it!  Although Greinskyn has pretty much retired from the weight-gain scene, after tracking him down (which proved difficult) he gave us his blessing:

“I would consider it an honor if you added your perspective to the counselor's plight.  Feel free to do with it as you wish. I have often returned to your works and Riptoryx's tale.  Some stories never get old.”

Thanks, Greinskyn! We’ll do our best to do your work justice!

Because this will be a “reimagining” of his unfinished tale (i.e., we’re not just tacking on an ending) it will take a fair bit of time to complete. That said, I’m going to write while the pencil’s sharp and aim for a fall release.  Watch this space for updates!

As always, thank you for your continued friendship and patronage. (None of the above would be possible without you!) We’ve really enjoyed communicating with many of you through Messenger or email. At some point, we’d love to host some sort of official “chat,” but until that time, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or comments. Riptoryx or I (and often both of us) will respond ASAP!





Ah, nice! Practical Joke is one of my favorites. I am quite enjoying the polarisdeamer's reimagining of Practical Joke - although it's still unfinished like the original. I am curious about your take on this classic.


It's one of my unfinished faves, too! It's got a few especially good scenes and I was always curious to see where the plot would go. Of course, I have a few notions of my own about that, much of which I've shared with Mav. ;) -Riptoryx