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Dear Patrons:

We hope you're doing well and, to quote our friend and patron Matt L, "the world is spinning in your direction"!  Since we have lots of goodies to discuss, I'm going to skip the lengthy intro and just let 'er rip (or "Mavrip," if you will!):

*The next installment of Meghan's Misadventures will deal with the fallout from our titular blonde's drunken tryst with a former boyfriend.  I don't want to spoil anything, but let's just say if her ex sticks around there'll be a few more Xs in Meghan's wardrobe!  Poor Meghan.  She figured moving back home would be good for her bank account.  Unfortunately, between her mother's southern-fried cooking, the conniving Ladies Auxiliary, and the vengeful efforts of her jealous ex, an expanded bottom line is the only growth Meghan can bank on.

*In the next day or two, patrons can expect a sneak peek at Riptoryx's narration project for The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.  I'm excited for you to hear what my Patreon partner has been working on!  As you know, TDATDBS is one of my more sinister stories and requires a narrator with a deft touch and a stomach for its disturbing elements.   After hearing a few snippets, I think you'll agree that Riptoryx was a perfect choice.  His deep understanding of the material is only matched by his deep and mellifluous voice!

On a related note, I'll soon be performing a deep dive into one of the more controversial elements of our kink, one that's prevalent in "The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea" and one that I suspect many of our Mavrip supporters share: Ruination.  Weight-gain fiction erroneously gets lumped into the "body positivity" and "fat acceptance" movements by many folks.  While we're supporters of both movements in our daily lives, our fiction is subversive and often delves into the willful destruction of a gal's looks, fitness, and status.  Since this runs contrary to most people's PC perceptions of the genre (and in general), it's widely considered taboo.  Of course, taboo and kinky are what Mavrip is all about so what better subject for us to expound upon? :)

What else?  It seems your Harem on the Hill is getting a new resident.  Tracy is a fitness nut with a bubble butt.  Braking her should be fun!  As always, how you do so will be entirely up to you!

As you can see, your Springtime shower of support is leading to lots of flowering fiction.  Thank you!  




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