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The National Weather Service had issued a freeze warning for Delmore County and, in response, Meghan's favorite jeans had frozen halfway up her thighs.  The hot blonde, who was currently quite cold, had had no need for warm attire in Southern California and figured she could skate by in her winter wardrobe from High School until a few more paychecks from teaching enabled a shopping spree.  Unfortunately, everything in her closet, even her acid-washed “comfort” jeans, had turned fickle.  When her LA cronies warned "You can't go home again," she never dreamed it would apply to her pants.

What am I going to do?  The question on Meghan's mind was less about the need to dress seasonally and more about the worry that was growing with the pressure of her belly against the waistbands of her skirts and shorts...

I'm getting fat again!

"Honey!  Dinner time!"  Her mother shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm not hungry!"  Meghan snapped back.

"Honey, you need to eat.  I made your favorite.  Chicken fried steak!"

"I said I'm not hungry!"  Meghan patted the pooch protruding between the flaps of her pants and it responded with a growl.  She was hungry, of course.  She was ALWAYS hungry.

But as her hand slipped below her belly she realized she was something else—horny.  She hadn't been with a man since she moved home and had only been touched by the sticky fingers of eight-year-olds.

"I'm going out tonight anyway!" Meghan shouted a final rebuff of her mother's chicken-fried feast and pulled her best man-grabbing dress off its hanger.  It was tried, true, and battle-tested.

More importantly, it was stretchy.

Before either her mom or sister could say anything, Meghan raced down the stairs, snatched a heavy coat from the closet, and, with her heart pounding in anticipation (and from the sudden burst of exercise) headed off into the brisk evening.  She knew where she was going.  Benny's was a bar at the edge of town that didn't card--not that it mattered anymore--and the only place she could party with impunity in High School.

A short drive later, Meghan discovered that Benny's was now Bob's.  The inside was so dark and smoky she could barely find a barstool and, apart from some dudes shooting pool in the back, the patrons all looked to be about sixty.  Over the course of a Coors and a conversation with Charles, the new bartender, she learned that Benny had lost his liquor license and was currently awaiting trial.

As Meghan swilled her draft and spilled from her equally drafty dress, she somehow felt more conspicuous than she had as a minor.  She was used to eyes upon her, but tonight the sideways stares seemed more piteous than appreciative.  Had she not been flush with alcohol and embarrassment, she would have put her coat back on.  Fortunately, by the third beer, the unwelcome attention stopped bothering her.

For the most part.

"I heard you were back in town."

Meghan swiveled on her stool to find Zeke Martin, her High School sweetheart.  Apparently, he'd been one of the guys shooting pool.  He still looked good.

"You look good," he said, parroting her thoughts.  "Wanna get outta this dive?"

Meghan nodded.  As she polished off her beer, Zeke plopped a few bucks on the bar and then hurried back to inform his buddies.

"Isn't that the chick who dumped you in High School?" One of them asked.

"Yup!"  Zeke said proudly.  "Time for some payback!"



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