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Howdy Patrons:

If you're like me, you're eager to put this cold, wet, and wacky winter behind us.  Fortunately, today is the first day of spring (at least for those of us in the Northern hemisphere) so it's the perfect time to look forward to warmer conditions...and the "hot stuff" that will soon be happening at Mavrip!

The voting was so close in last week's "The Harem on the Hill" (Recruit new girls edged Search for Tina 54% to 46%) that I'm going to incorporate both choices.  While the primary action will center on adding fresh meat to your harem's menu, finding Tina will remain a side quest for your character.  What can I say?  I'm a Patron-pleaser! :)

The feedback messages we've received (thanks to those who sent them!) indicate you're enjoying "Meghan's Misadventures," our sequel to "Lilly of the Valley" featuring Meghan, the hot blonde with the healthy appetite and, of course, the terrific 3D illustrations of Magmaman.  We're glad to hear it!  The series has been fun to write so far and we still have plenty of Magmaman material to incorporate.  Our best work (including MM images of a nearly immobile Meghan) is yet to come!

What else?  Progress continues to be made on the narration of "The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea," one of the longer and darker stories in my oeuvre.  We're not quite ready to announce a release date, but the sample segments riptoryx has forwarded me have been fantastic.  As soon as we're ready to roll, you'll know!

As always, thank you for your support!  You--the men and mavens of Mavrip--inspire us more than you know!




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