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Dear Mavrip Patrons:

Happy Holidays! Regardless of your race, creed, nationality, or religion, we hope you’re enjoying 2022’s close with the Three Fs: friends, family, and fetish material! As far as that final F-word, Riptoryx and I are going to do all we can to fulfill your holiday weight-gain wishes!

As you know, your patronage not only allows us to dedicate more time to create edgy, high-quality weight-gain fiction, it provides us the means to commission artisans and purchase equipment that helps “flesh out” our content. To that end, we just purchased a broadcast kit with a professional microphone to better provide narration and vocal accouterments to our work. Our first project(s) will be the narration of “The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea” and “The Wicked Stepfather,” two x-rated tales that would be difficult, if not impossible, to commission from outside sources without extensive editing. Fortunately, Riptoryx and his golden pipes have no such qualms! Expect both stories to be released with all their perversive elements intact!

We also subscribed to https://novelai.net/, an AI-based service for creating stories and illustrations that’s become popular recently, to see if it might be usable at Mavrip. Don’t worry—the only “intelligence” that will be creating fiction for this site will be what’s left in our noggins; however, some of what the program can do is intriguing. What are our initial thoughts? Expect a visual-filled musing/review in the next week or two. PLEASE NOTE: We know this is a sensitive issue for many creators. Rest assured, our dabbling with AI will not in any way effect are enthusiastic and ongoing support of artisans within the community.

Last Friday, I posted the 75th (Diamond!) chapter of “The Harem on the Hill.” Hard to believe our humble weight-gain choose-you-own adventure serial has been going on for over three years! During that period, your harem girls have gone from fit fillies to mammoth mares/nightmares in real time! It’s cliché to say, “I couldn’t have done it without you,” but it’s true. Your votes have taken the tale in devious and demented directions I would never have traveled on my own!

What else? I’m battling a touch of writer’s block with the 3rd prequel vignette for “The Tutor,” our recent weight-gain adventure game. However, it’s still on the docket. Thank you for your patience!

And, as always, thank you for your patronage and for helping to make 2022 a great year here at Mavrip!





I am excited for all of this. Particularly the new microphone and I am always craving more prequels from The Tutor. Excited to see what is cooked up. I am not familiar with the AI thing, so that will be interesting to see how far technology has come.


Thanks, Alaxar. Our experiments with the AI program, especially Riptoryx's, bore some decent fruit which I'm looking forward to sharing with you! Whether it has longterm applications for the site remains to be seen. Merry Christmas!