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I’ve written about my first cyber footsteps into the World Wide Web of weight-gain before.  How a few strokes of a keyboard (and belches from a modem) transported teenage me--whose “porn” heretofore consisted of primitive drawings and reversing “before and after” diet ads in magazines--into a melting pot of weight-gain-oriented morphs, photos, and stories.

As illuminating and liberating as that experience was, however, it still didn’t seem real.  Sure, it was nice to know there were other pervs like me out there, writing gainer fiction and ogling fat girls, but pictures and postings on the Internet’s anonymous underbelly seemed about as true to life as cryptic classified ads and sealed magazines at the back of newsstands.

By the late-90s, not much had changed.  While my Internet lexicon had grown to include terms like “BBW,” “feeders” and “feedees,” finding them was a little like tracking Bigfoot.  If you were lucky, you might stumble across grainy photos in a dark corner of the Web, but they were usually posted without clues or context to root them in reality.  As a result, alleged gainers in the early days of the Internet took on a certain mythology.  Obese babes like kelligrl were white whales we pursued, obsessed over, and debated the existence of.

All that changed with Brooke’s emergence in 1999.  Before Brooke, the concept of a hot girl purposefully getting fat was difficult for me to grasp.  I grew up in the 1980s, a time when you couldn’t be too rich or too thin.  Women were supposed to aerobicize and count calories, and if they gained weight they immediately became fodder for water cooler gossip and fat-phobic tabloids.  A woman might put on a few pounds with age or by accident, but to do so of their own volition?  That seemed unfathomable.

Brooke not only shattered this misconception but rooted feederism in a reality that previous online gainers did not.  Instead of third-party photos and hearsay, Brooke had an entire website dedicated to her gluttony and gain.  It was updated frequently, and each new photo spread brought notable changes to her body.  Every week, my dial-up connection unveiled her like a sculpture—face…breasts…belly…hips…ass…thighs.  The wait was agonizing, but the reveal was glorious.

While I suspect Brooke wasn’t a “feedee” in the truest sense (someone who achieves sexual gratification purely by gaining weight), anyone who viewed her pictures or watched her videos could tell she dug the process.  This wasn’t a girl worried about her figure.  She enjoyed indulging in forbidden fruit and delighted in the pear-shaped plumper it was turning her into.  Of course, this devil-may-care attitude made her even hotter.

Today, societal norms have changed and online gainers are both prevalent and profitable.  Even now, however, nearly twenty-five years later, few rival Brooke’s personality and charisma.  Nowhere is this “it” factor more evident than in her videos.  Brooke released two official videos: Brooke's Weekend, which was filmed in the spring of 2000, and Brooke's Penthouse, which was filmed during the winter later that same year.  Both are exceptional.  Originally produced on VHS, these tapes were eventually transferred to DVD and released by Bountiful Productions.  The disks themselves are no longer available for purchase; however, individual clips from each are available for purchase and download here: https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/17763/bountiful-bbw-17763/Cat0-AllCategories/Page1/SortBy-bestmatch/Limit24/search/brooke.  (The Jacuzzi scene from Brooke’s Penthouse is my personal fave.)  You can also find select clips from both at stufferdb.com.

5'7" Brooke was 42-35-47 and 195 lbs in "Brooke's Weekend"

But by "Brooke's Penthouse" had ballooned to 43-39-49 and 221 lbs  

Additionally, during the six-month period between the release of her official videos, Brooke took orders for exclusive “personal videos,” of which I commissioned two.  (I actually own a few more now, but I’ll save that story for another time!)  Shortly after Brooke left the scene, I posted their detailed descriptions on the Dimensions web board; however, I had no way to post accompanying clips or images.

Until now!

A couple of months ago, while my wife and kids were away, I decided to digitize a bunch of old VHS tapes I had in storage—my wedding video, some old High School plays, and, of course, my collection of Brooke tapes.  I was surprised just how well they held up.  Not from a picture quality standpoint, twenty years in the garage took their toll, but I figured they might seem quaint or even a bit silly by today’s standards.  Nope!  They were still damn hot!  It’s a testament to Brooke’s breezy charm and natural sexiness.

The good ol' days: When Canadian imports came with autographed 'Big Butt' magazines and personalized letters! 

With the makings of this musing beginning to ruminate, I rummaged through a pile of old memory sticks looking for my original synopsis of the videos.  Miraculously, I found them!  So, without further ado, I will post them here, unedited and in their entirety, now with never before seen visuals accoutrements!

Personal Video #1: This video was shot sometime in the late summer of 2000 after the release of the first “Brooke’s Weekend” video. I was fairly non-descript in my requests: I asked for lots of eating, nudity, taking of measurements, weighing, etc., and basically, that’s what I got.

The majority of the video takes place in her kitchen with Brooke, in varying states of undress, preparing herself a giant Italian dinner. She’s doing pretty mundane stuff (chopping vegetables, boiling water, preheating the oven), but Brooke has a way of making the mundane pretty damn fascinating. She munches incessantly throughout and, as the kitchen heats up, Brooke removes more and more clothing. Eventually, she ends up in nothing but a ridiculously-tight pair of white shorts. Weight-wise, I would say she’s at or near her peak. She weighs herself as the dinner is cooking and--if I remember correctly--the scale reads 214.

Why can't all cooking shows be like this?

Showing off the guns!

If you can't take the heat, get out of your clothes!

Apparently, Brooke enjoys eating as much as cooking. 

Her belly isn't the only thing that's grown recently...

My favorite moment from the cooking segment comes when Brooke is chopping black olives for the pasta sauce. She eats two for every one she adds to the sauce and, at one point, accidentally drops a slice that sticks to her ample belly. It stays stuck to her for several minutes until her cameraman/boyfriend points it out. She laughs and jokes that the best part of her growing belly is that it “catches things” and reduces her clean-up. It was priceless.

Looks like Brooke may need a bigger kitchen for her 'spread.'

Drink up, Brooke!  Don't worry about that ill-fitting bra and panties! 

In fact, why don't you just lose them? (Can you spot the olive?)

The best part of the entire video, however, is the meal itself. Brooke decorated her balcony (the same balcony from the first video) to look like an Italian Bistro--complete with candles, flowers and red-checkered table cloth--and treated the whole last segment like she was there on a date with yours truly. For her part, I have NEVER seen Brooke look more stunning. She was dressed to the nines in a gold, form-fitting dress (If I remember correctly) and had her make-up and hair done impeccably. Her hair was up, but she had these glamorous ringlets coming down that framed her face perfectly. Brooke always had a natural beauty, but she could really “kick it up a notch” when she wanted to. She looked like she stepped out of a photo shoot right before.

(NOTA BENE: Clearly I DIDN'T remember correctly because the scenes of her eating her meal on the balcony are pretty casual.  The "dressed to the nines" dinner is actually from another private video I procured from a friend.)

Personal Video #2: This is the “crown jewel” of my Brooke video collection. As good as the first video was this video is ten times better. There were certain segments of the first video that I felt she might have used more than once. I would imagine 95% of the people that requested a personalized video requested eating, weighing, tight clothes, etc., so it’s hard for me to blame her for wanting to cut a few corners. However, I didn’t feel the first video was quite as “personal” as it could have been. She remedied that in the second one. She had actually stopped doing personal videos by this time, but since I was a repeat customer, she made an exception with me.

My second personal video was shot sometime in the winter of 2000/2001--shortly before her last video came out--and I approached it totally different than the first one. I went from very general to very specific in my requests and actually gave her a specific scenario to play out…and she did it beyond my wildest expectations.

Believe it or not, I found the actual letter I sent to her buried on my computer. Here’s a snippet of it to give you an idea what I wanted in the video:

“Hopefully, you’ve been brushing up on your acting because I have a scene in mind for you to play. You should be able to have some fun with it. Actually, I’ve been thinking about this scenario ever since I first saw you on the Internet (nearly a year ago!).

O.K., here goes…You’re in your closet getting dressed for some function. It could be anything…a dance, a wedding, a class reunion…up to you. However, when you put on your favorite outfit (preferably one from a few years ago!) you find…Horror of horrors…it doesn’t fit anymore! Then you try your favorite jeans (again, ones from a year or two ago) and are shocked to find that they don’t fit either. You try on outfit after outfit…none of them fit (any variety of clothes would be cool…old bathing suit, lingerie or that white dress from your photos!). Suddenly you realize: “I’m getting fat!” Something must be done, but what? Finally, you decide you should start exercising. Initially, you start off motivated, but after a few minutes of jumping jacks, sit-ups, etc. you decide that it’s hopeless. Finally, although you know you really shouldn’t, you head to the kitchen to drown your sorrows in a junk food binge.”

That was my request and she followed it to the letter. It contained a ton of tight clothes, self-deprecating asides (“I can’t believe I let myself get SOOO fat”), futile exercise attempts and the requisite binge on half of a pumpkin pie (loaded with whipped cream). She really acted her part well and I got the feeling she enjoyed it.

Not sure that's the best wedding attire, Brooke.  You may want to try again...

Suck it in, Brooke, I'm sure that flowery top will fit!


Back to the drawing board...

You've got this, Brooke!  Pull!


How did I get so out of shape?  Time to exercise!

Can we have a closer view?


Too little, too late.  Time to eat away my sorrows...

Um, I'm not sure that's going to help, Brooke!

Finally, something that fits (kind of)!  Off to the wedding...

Anyway, that’s the gist content-wise.  In retrospect, it’s easy to see why Brooke was the perfect gateway girl for burgeoning weight-gain enthusiasts like me.  She was pretty, but unintimidating. Risqué, but not garish.  Fat, but not too fat.  As her body broadened, so did our horizons, paving the way for the veritable buffet of ballooning beauties at our fingertips today.  And while no one who watched her waddle through the woods in her Brooke’s Weekend video would ever call her a “trailblazer,” she was definitely ahead of her time.

Here's to you, Brooke!  Happy trails...



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