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Freshened up, you return to the office where Tina sits clicking away at the keyboard.  A party-sized bowl of potato chips teeters in what's left of her lap.

"Release chemicals into Tabitha's room," you say.

Tina spins in her chair towards you, taking the opportunity to nosh a chip.  "Which ones do you want me to give her?"

"The works."

"I was hoping you'd say that."  Tina rubs her hands over the bowl, dusting the crumbs from her fingers, then pivots back to the keyboard.  "I thought you didn't want a harem of zombies?"

"What's one more?"

Tina bobs her head, taps a few keys, then reclines in her chair.  "Done."

You squint at the monitor where Tabitha sits in her living room watching TV.  "How long does it take to take effect?"

"Not long," Tina says, noshing another chip.

As if on cue, Tabitha rises from the sofa with a sour expression, leaving behind the blanket covering her.  Not much else does.  Just a sports bra and panties.

Tina shakes her head as you lean in for a closer inspection.  Although Tina's spreadsheet showed a minor weight loss for Tabitha during your absence, she looks jigglier and flabbier than ever.  As she rotates in the middle of the room, nose in the air, you lament not installing higher-definition cameras.

Despite the suspect resolution, you clearly see the shake in Tabitha's wake as she wanders to the kitchen in search of the odor's origin.  Thanks to Tina, the smell still lingers in your own nostrils.  It's subtle, but it's there.  Like a sweet bleach.

Tina taps a key and the monitor snaps to a view of the kitchen, where Tabitha opens the fridge and alternately lifts, examines, and returns various foodstuffs to their shelves.

"I bet she grabs a snack while she's in there," Tina says between crunches.

Almost immediately, Tabitha snatches a pudding cup from the shelf and rips the lid off with her teeth as she bumps the door closed with her butt.  She deposits the lid in the trash beneath the sink (causing a delicious crease to form at her waist) then hurriedly fishes a spoon from an adjacent drawer.

Tina smiles and licks her fingers.  "You may want to stock up on those things.  She goes through several a night even without the gas."

Armed with sustenance, Tabitha continues her investigation.  She heads to the pantry next.  She opens the door, tugs the light string, and looks around...though she seems more interested in devouring the chocolatey goodness in her cup than divining the source of the odor.

"I think she's stopped worrying about the smell," you say.

"Pretty soon, she won't even know it's on.  After a few days, she'll know when it's off though."


Tina nods.  "It works even better than the shock collar.  Soon, the only thing she'll want more than food is the gas to blunt its effects."  The twinkle in Tina's eyes suggests she enjoyed discovering that side effect with Anastasia and Officer Morgan.

"Guess I'll need to pick up a few more canisters of Dronabinol and nitrous oxide on my next visit to the Piggly Wiggly."

Tina holds up an index finger.  "Don't forget the pudding cups!"

"I'll get a gross."

"Not as gross as Tabitha's going to get."  Tina pops another chip in her mouth, then sets the bowl on the desk.  "What's next?"

"Is the funnel still in the same place?"

"Oooh, can I do it?"  Tina rubs her greasy hands together.  She looks like a child just informed that Christmas was coming early.

What do you say?



Might as well buy a mini fridge for Tabitha's bedroom along with all those pudding cups. If Tina gets her hands on her, I doubt she'll be capable of walking all the way to the kitchen much longer.


I have a feeling this will be an unpopular opinion, but I really kind of want Tina to sit this one out. She has more than proven herself with officer Morgan and Anastasia. She has neglected her own figure. If having a harem of Zombies ever gets boring, we can abduct more women. From out of town ideally.


I can at least agree with the "she has neglected her own figure" part. However, judging by the most recent parts, she seems to be back on track. I wouldn't be surprised if Tabitha isn't the only one that will soon catch up with Morgan and Anastasia.