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"My first order of business is getting Tabitha's weight up to speed."

"Be careful if you use chemicals.  Morgan and Anastasia had IQ points to spare."   Tina glances at the monitor showing Tabitha's living room, where its occupant stares slack-jawed at the TV.  "I'm not so sure about Tabitha."

"I'll be careful," you say, cinching your robe.

"Before you call on her you may want to clean up a little."  Tina wrinkles her button nose.  "You're a little scruffy."

You give a tight-lipped smile and dutifully head to the bedroom for a shower.  As eager as you are to pack some pounds on the robust redhead, there's no point in scaring her with something other than the prospect of bedbound obesity.  Besides, she's not going anywhere.

It's a wise decision.  Your reflection in the mirror is more homeless madman than billionaire playboy.  A quick twist of the shower handle buries the unpleasant visage in a stream of steam.  As you step into the marble tile enclave, you hope the piping hot water will wash it away for good.

It doesn't.  Even after showering and shaving, you still look peaked.  It wasn't long ago that a public appearance in your condition would be followed by tabloid reports of AIDS, cancer, or any number of wasting diseases. Thankfully, you don't have to worry much about paparazzi in your current neck of the woods.

Although you look like a penny in need of polish, you feel like a million bucks.  The shower sprayed away the mental cobwebs remaining from your captivity and you feel alert for the first time in months.

Imbued with boyish enthusiasm, you quickly dress in slacks and a button-down collared shirt.  Unfortunately, your outfit matches your enthusiasm.  The waistband puckers from cinching an extra notch on your belt, and the shirt wrinkles and sags across your shriveled torso.  You look like a child playing dress-up.

You adjust your waistband, push your hair from your face, and give your reflection a final scowl.  Tina may have deserved her pound of flesh, but you look forward to multiplying it a hundredfold.

Before you tackle Tabitha, you sit on the edge of the bed with your laptop to do a little housekeeping.  All your bank accounts seem in order.  In fact, their balances are higher than anticipated.  Likely the result of dividends that were direct deposited...unless Tina somehow figured a way to turn your harem into a money-maker.

Unsurprisingly, your mailbox is filled with thousands of e-mails.  Surprisingly, they've already been answered.  All received pat "out of the office" replies referencing lengthy travel abroad, which was certainly plausible; however, many emergency follow-ups were answered by Tina directly.  It seems she either took the liberty of making important decisions on your behalf or sought your counsel while in a drugged-up state.  Neither was a particularly pleasant proposition.

Rather than dwell on it, you close your laptop and ponder something much more enjoyable--how best to fatten Tabitha.

How do you do it?



How do you do it? The only way I know.


No matter the result of this poll, Tabitha is in some serious trouble 👀 That said, I hope she gets pumped full with appetite stimulants and growth hormones and funnel-fed till Anastasia and Morgan look like Victoria's Secret models next to her.


“The last shall be first and the first last,” eh? ; ) -Riptoryx