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Dear Patrons:

I’m back from a short trip and ready to roll with a content-rich State of the Patreon. We have a lot to discuss, so let’s begin!

*The narration of "Jean Therapy" is moving full-speed ahead!  We've already heard the first take and have submitted our notes and revisions.  As soon as we receive and approve a final version, we'll make it available for patrons' ears only!  I can't tell you much more besides it will be over thirty-minutes of vocalized weight-gain goodness.

*I touched base with Riptoryx re: his Mass Effect weight-gain game and he was kind enough to drop me this status report:

My progress on Nerf Effect remains slow (the day job has been nuts lately!) but incremental. For a while now, most of my creative labor on this project has been directed towards building up an introductory narrative for the game that I hope will offer everyone at least a baseline familiarity with core concepts, characters, and history of the Mass Effect setting necessary to appreciate big parts of the story. Researching that stuff has reminded me how frickin’ detailed and complicated the Mass Effect setting truly is! Striking the right balance of completeness, brevity, and entertainment value in the introductory material is tricky, but I think I’m getting there. This isn’t as much fun for me as plotting out kinky weight gain sabotage twists and turns, but I anticipate persevering through this bit of authorial drudgery will make for a better grounded and more broadly accessible final product. Maverick will be the first (lucky?) guinea pig testing my success with that, since he doesn’t know T’loak from T’soni.

(Editor’s note: I still have trouble delineating shit from Shinola.)

Separate from that written content, I’ve also been pondering a few different ideas for how I might incorporate various multimedia elements into the game. To that end, if you folks have suggestions regarding illustrators that you think might be a good fit (in terms of style and availability) to commission for the creation of some custom game imagery (especially sequential depictions of aloof femme-fatale Miranda Lawson being progressively degraded into a humiliated, tubby frump-muffin), please do drop a link to their online portfolio and other pertinent details in the comments below this post.

Thanks, Riptoryx! As for my own efforts, between "Life(guard) Lessons," "The New Mrs. Claus," and "The Harem on the Hill," I lost some momentum on my second One Night Adventure game.  No more!  Beginning this week, completing that will be my #1 literary goal.  Its non-linear nature keeps me from assigning a release date, but the ending(s) are in sight!

Speaking of "The Harem on the Hill," I sincerely hope you're enjoying how your harem is "shaping up."  After all, you're the ones molding its destiny...not to mention the girls in its ranks!  I can't say I'd have done things the same way, but that's part of the fun, isn't it?  Since we've had a run of new patrons, I want to clarify exactly how "The Harem on the Hill" works for newbies:

Every week or two, a new chapter will be made available exclusively for our Enabled Overeating and Sabotaged Snacks patrons, at the end of which they will be presented choices to vote on à la Choose Your Own Adventure books.  What type of girl do you want to add to your harem?  How will you treat them?  How fat will you make them?  Etc., etc.  (Sabotaged Snack members get a bonus vote.)

Around the same time, we'll make an older chapter available for all patrons before it's made available to the general public the following week.  That way, any and all patrons get a head-start (although Enabled Overeaters and Sabotaged Snackers are the only ones who can vote).  Got it?  Good!  Every vote counts so please consider making your voice heard!  Especially since voting on fattening-up girls is far more fun than voting which old dude will screw up the country ;).

I want to close by saying welcome to our new patrons and a hearty thank you to those who have honored us with their friendship and patronage for some time. I know I say it a lot, but it bears repeating: None of this would be possible without you! You guys (and gals!) are the best!




Some exciting news ! Nerf effect is clearly what i'm most hyped for ! But the other lines are pretty good as well with The (now big) Harem on the Hill