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I probably don't say it nearly often enough: thank you

Thank you to each and every person reading this. You are all generous and delightfully kinky folks. Over the past year and change your support has helped make possible a bunch of creative stuff that otherwise likely would not have happened. And there's only even more to come.

In case you don't keep tabs on the "goals" section of our Patreon page, as I write this we're only a scant $4 away from reaching the next funding milestone. Once we reach that goal, Maverick and I will launch into organizing another story narration project, similar to what we first tried out with "You're Going to Get Fat." This is just one of the ways all of you are (and have been) doing a solid for the feedism community as a whole by, among other things, sponsoring a professional-grade narration project which will be (eventually) freely available to everyone.

Be thinking about what story by Maverick (or me) you'd most enjoy having featured in a narrated format. We'll likely be soliciting your input. 

And hey, if you know anybody that's been on the fence about lending a little bit of support here at MAVRIP, now would be a great time to nudge them to jump in. Or maybe you've even been considering donating a bit extra because you're just that crazy-generous and/or curious about some of the goodies behind the curtain (like the various "musing" posts Maverick and I have shared, or Maverick's "One Night Adventure: The Party" game). If you do that now, you could single-handedly burst the button on this unprecedented-for-us tier.  

And speaking of "musing" posts, to follow up on my own remarks in a comment accompanying Maverick's recent "musing" about plumply-figured illustrations in old Playboy magazines, while I no longer have my old collection of "Mad" magazines from the 1990s, and I haven't had much luck finding examples of the sometimes distractingly curvy and high quality illustrations in the main parody features, I did manage to scrounge up a couple examples of some of the random little weight-related doodles that would often show up in the publications. Those are attached. 

Anyway, thanks again. Thanks for your support. Thanks for your interest. Thanks for loving the same twisted stuff I do. Like an overconfident, used-to-be-hot gym bunny ex girlfriend who's been helplessly piling on pandemic pounds, this delicious train wreck is not about stop. 




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