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Good morning Patrons!

Attached, please find the finale and epilogue of "Life(guard) Lessons," the spiritual successor to my original foray into weight-gain fiction twenty-five years ago, “The Lesson.” Sorry for the delay in getting it to you, but it's by far the longest chapter and I've added an epilogue.  Hopefully, that will help you forgive me :). 

If you haven't already, you can read the impetus behind the tale, here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/life-guard-42400373

I wanted to get this out as soon as it was ready, but give me a few days and I will combine the whole story into one tidy PDF.  

Enjoy!  And as always, feedback is appreciated!





I think the best thing about this superb story is that I found the story itself even more compelling than the weight gain aspect. Which is saying something, especially as Bitch Gets Her Comeuppance is probably the WG theme I find sexiest. The characters and storytelling make Tabitha's downfall so much sexier for being so believable. And the writing is (as yours always is) incredibly well balanced. That pun about throwing the dummy in had me laughing out loud... then snarling because I wished I'd thought of it. I also loved how Dean's feelings weren't entirely clear, and then the implied twist in Lucy's final comment - when it hit me, which took a few seconds - was a really "wow" moment. Was Dean out for revenge on Tabitha from the start? It explains his continued overfeeding of her, though so would an attraction to her expansion. Or perhaps that came afterwards, a kind of comeuppance for him too: cursed to adore and fund her appetite for eternity. It's great that there are so many possibilities. It was also very much in character for Lucy to delete the video. As for Tabitha, well, after all those tacos she should probably count herself lucky that there wasn't a different kind of comeuppance. A huge bravo! and I really hope you guys keep up the great work!


Halrion, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your thoughtful comments and observations. I try to make characters and situations as compelling as possible within the confines of our genre, and it means a great deal to me that you thought I was successful (especially as a talented author in your own right). In our line of work, it's easy for nuance to get engulfed by the gain :) Anyway, thanks again! I'll comment a bit more specifically on your observations once people have had a bit more time to read it.