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Dear Patrons:

Happy Anniversary!  It’s been one year since we began our humble Patreon with the sole intent of producing high-quality weight-gain erotica with a subversive bent.  It’s been a lot of work (neither Riptoryx nor I have quit our day jobs yet) but it’s also been fun and, thanks to you, fruitful.  Because of your support, over the past 12 months we’ve been able to produce a bumper crop of weight-gain goodies:

*“The Party,” our first foray into weight-gain adventure gaming.

*The weight-gain stories “Diagnosis: Feeder” and “You’re Going to get Fat!”

*Two graphic weight-gain collaborations with the mighty Magmaman: “The Middle Manager” and “Lilly of the Valley.”

*Thirty-three (!) choice-filled chapters of our weight-gain serial adventure, “The Harem on the Hill.”

*Professional narration for “You’re Going to get Fat!”

*Commissioned illustrations for “Diagnosis: Feeder” and “The Party.”

*And more than a dozen assorted musings on everything from Anna Nicole Smith to our childhood attempts at weight-gain fiction, art, and even poetry!

Of course, Riptoryx and I are forward thinkers and aren’t ones to rest on our laurels (or anything else)!  “Life(guard) Lessons,” my update of the comeuppance and revenge themes I first explored in “The Lesson” twenty-five years ago, is in full swing, and we currently have TWO new adventure games in production.  We also have a third collaboration with our good pal Magmaman on tap.  And I haven’t even mentioned 2021 yet…

Although 2020 has been an epic fail, we hope you’ve found the first year of “Maverick and Riptoryx” worthwhile.  Thank you again for your continued friendship and patronage.  It means a lot, especially in light of the weighty issues going on.  Hopefully, our gainer gals own ‘weighty issues’ will continue to take your mind off any you may be facing personally.

Best Wishes,



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