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"Ten pounds?  In one week!?  What if I can't?"

"Then you'll have to gain 20 next week." 

Tina stares at you with her mouth agape.  It's the longest you've seen it open without her shoving something inside.   "What will that put me at?"

A quick swipe of your phone brings up Tina's vitals.  "235 luscious pounds."

Tina's jowly jawline quivers and a look fills her eyes you've not seen in her before.  


"That's double what I weighed before." 

She was actually 120 pounds when she arrived (maybe a few pastry pounds from the coffee shop had slipped onto her undetected?), but for all intents and purposes, Tina will be twice the woman she was.  

It's glorious.

Some women have the frame to support a sizable gain, but Tina is not one of them.  While the thirty pounds Tabitha's added is like insulation on a well-built house, Tina's fat behaves like an invasive species, morphing the landscape and making it unrecognizable.  Unrecognizable and, by traditional standards, ugly.  In any case, the lithe coffee shop nymph that caught your eye has disappeared.

Tina closes her robe around the beach ball that used to be her waistline and cinches the belt.  It does little to define her Weeble shape as she wobbles to the kitchen and opens the refrigerator.

As she chugs through its contents, you train your eyes on her caboose.  While Tina's entire figure has been vandalized, the breaking of her inverted heart ass is akin to iconoclasm.  Its crescent curves have gone full-circle--rounding out before collapsing like a failed souffle. Now boxy and wide, Tina's butt battles her belly in the excess baggage department, but without the latter's prominent protuberance.  

The retired barista removes a tub of potato salad and plops down at the kitchen table.  Dowdy.  Defeated.  Even Tina's bob hairstyle, once so trendy against her well-structured face, looks as sloppy and overgrown as the rest of her.

"I wouldn't worry," you say, rising to your feet.  "That new girl packed-on six pounds this week and she's not half the woman you are."  

Tina doesn't acknowledge your wink or your exit as she plows through her potato salad.  Oh well, she'll come around...once she's round.

Time to issue more marching orders to your troops.  Who do you visit next?


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