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Dear Patrons:

Well, 2020 sure has been eventful, hasn’t it? Fortunately, it appears life is trending towards a new normal…maybe even a better one. My late Grandmother used to quote Dr. Robert Schuller when things got rough: “tough times never last, but tough people do!” We’re resilient people and we’ll ultimately overcome what ails our society, literally and figuratively.

While there’s never a good time for the events of the past few months, the extra time, coupled with your unwavering support, has allowed us to grow our Patreon even quicker than we imagined. Of course, we’ve done a lot of writing during quarantine, but even more importantly we’ve established relationships and routines that will benefit the site immeasurably moving forward. 2020 has been fruitful, but the future promises a bumper crop of unique Mavrip content!

To that end, here’s a recap of recent developments and a taste of what’s to come:

*This month saw the completed release of “Lilly of the Valley,” our second illustrated weight-gain epic with the legendary Magmaman. It was a fun project and we’re glad it’s been well-received. Even though the digital ink hasn’t dried yet, I’ve already begun coordinating with Magmaman on a follow-up. It’s going to be good! Stay tuned!

*A benefit to having two authors is that we can support one another’s efforts while writing concurrently. That’s what’s happening now, as Riptoryx and I are hard at work on not one, but TWO new adventure games for the site! Mine will be a new “One Night Adventure,” a deep delve into a single night of debauchery, while Riptoryx is taking the format to new frontiers with a weighty sci-fi romp.

When I asked Rip for an update on the project, he said I could share the following super cool news with our patrons: 

“It's not my usual preference to showcase works-in-progress, but for our most enthusiastic and supportive readers (i.e., ya’ll) I suppose an exception may be warranted. Within the next few weeks I think I may be ready to share a (quite modest) peek-behind-the-curtain at a side project I’ve been tinkering with for some while now.” 

I’ve been privy to a few additional details and can tell you his little “side project” is going to be BIG! Can’t wait… 

*In addition to two authors, we currently have two esteemed digital artists working on exclusive commissioned content for the site. I don’t want to set timetables when I’m not the one doing the work, but both are entering the final stages of production. Their efforts will add a new dimension to the site and we look forward to unveiling them very soon!

*What else? For higher tiered patrons a fresh Maverick musing is “in the can” for imminent release and “The Harem on the Hill” continues to expand. Although, voting privileges for THOTH will remain exclusive to higher tiered patrons, I am gradually making earlier chapters available for all patrons.   

Keep in mind, ALL of the above is thanks to you. One of our patrons recently told us we were “taking the weight-gain genre to a higher level.” That’s high praise, and EXACTLY what we esteem to do. Frankly, it wouldn’t be possible without you! 

Best wishes and stay safe!



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