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Welcome, patrons! Riptoryx and I are humbled you think enough of us, and our work, to support our Patreon project. 

Although we will never be an assembly-line of content (we both have day jobs we’re not quitting…yet!) we promise this undertaking is not merely a lark. The seeds for the site were planted well over a year ago, and we have spent the last six-months plotting, planning, and producing in earnest. Your patronage will be rewarded with inspired and unique efforts in the manner you have come to expect from us…and as our patron posse propagates (tell your friends!) the more prolific our Patreon plans!  

To that end, I hope you enjoy “You’re Going to Get Fat!,” a vignette inspired by true events. I’ll let the story breath a bit before I divulge its background, but as our esteemed patron I promise you will read it here first!




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