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Old and new doodles! :)) 

I wanted to do a piece based on this piece: 

I want to attempt this painting again, but not based on this painting... Originally a friend gave me the idea of drawing Miho looking at a vampire skull longingly, and I stumbled upon this painting... So I thought I could do a study of it and also try that drawing idea. 2 birds with 1 stone type thing LOL however........ Later I realized this painting wasn't conveying the emotions I wanted to convey. Still, I love doing studies. It's really good painting practice!!! You can learn a lot from them : )

But yeah I will be revisiting...

All the other doodles were stuff I drew in between other stuff :) Like the Shay meme, the studies, and shockingly... fanart too O__o

I also thought I'd share some art of my DND character, Salcis! :D I love her... and drawing her is so fun. Luckily I was able to make her in Baldur's Gate 3!! I ended up liking how she looked there and revamped her design hehe, so the older drawings are of Salcis in her original version!! 

I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in her doodles... But maybe at least one person will! So this is for you!!

And now for... Life Update ™

Thank you everyone for still sticking around and supporting me 🥺🙏💖 I recently moved to a new place rather abruptly due to some personal problems... Let's just say, me and my family are SO happy to be out of that living situation... even if it was very sudden and expensive to leave it. 

I'm just now settling into the new place, though :,,) We also haven't had internet for some days, so I couldn't upload anything even if I wanted to also. I'm sorry! I was still working on stuff though, and mostly doing some writing... because I'll be beginning the main comic VERY SOON!!!!! I'm SOOOO EXCITED and also scared..... but I feel more ready than ever to start this journey and see where it takes me. I've always dreamed of starting my own comic... so this all feels so surreal. I've never felt THIS close to starting one for real. AHHHHH!!!!

I hope that you guys are excited too 👉👈 

Right now I'm working on character sheets for other characters, so you guys will be meeting some new characs very soon!!! 

Thank you again for your support <3




We need more salcis content!!! shes so beautifal! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


im in love with salcis