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Edit: For some reason the panel with the branch breaking in page 2 disappeared so I fixed the page and reuploaded :,D


Sorry, this one took a little longer, guys.. but it was double the pages as part 1, so I hope you can understand 🙏😔💦

I'm pretty happy with this part! As you can see, the style is a bittt different... or maybe only I notice it ? I used fewer screen tones, though! Sometimes less is more, and I didn't really enjoy how distracting the amount of screen tones I used in part 1 was. 

But anyways, onto another lore dump hahaha

So in this part, I wanted to show how it is that Shay made it to Maple Creek. I also wanted to show how it is that Shay became friends with Elliot and Sana there. Some of you already know who Elliot and Sana are because I've drawn them around Shay at their job in the "modern au" wherein they work as baristas at a cafe.

Here they work in an inn that has a tavern in the lobby area. I imagine it's not a very attractive-looking place. Mostly sketchy individuals seem to come around, adding to its already poor reputation. 

Like Sana mentioned, it's an inn run by vampires. I'll introduce the others who work there later, but for now... I'll tell you a little more about Elliot and Sana~

Sana Kaur:

-Tends to the tavern with Elliot and Shay. She sometimes helps "harvest" blood from patrons who visit the tavern. Mostly keeps busy by cleaning and making wine.

-She's only been a vampire for about two years. 

-She's very good at keeping a positive outlook on life and accepts her life as it is now, despite missing home.

-Sometimes has a short temper and will fight a medieval karen.

-Is close to both Elliot and Shay the most. She comes to them when she feels sad. She's very easily cheered up by Shay.

Elliot Rose:

-Tends to the tavern with Sana and Shay. Is the main one in charge of tricking patrons into having their blood "harvested". Keeps busy by talking to anyone who visits, and sometimes helping Sana make wine.

-Has only been a vampire for a year and a half. He and Sana became friends immediately upon meeting and help each other learn things about themselves as vampires.

-Is very dramatic, thrives on attention, and is good at styling hair.

-Yearns for someone who can love him for who he is.

-Considers Sana and Shay his sisters, Sana being his twin sister and Shay his little sister. Leans into this a lot, because he misses his little sister a lot. 


They are both a little overprotective of Shay.

So yeah, there's a bit of info on these two! Let me know if you enjoyed this second part!! I'd love to hear your thoughts 😳🙏✨✨I'll be dropping some doodles, both sfw and nsfw soon~ Thank you all so much for your support!!!!❤❤❤❤




i love seeing sana sm!! i can’t wait to see more of their dynamic!!


this is soo good! also i love your little lore dumps lol, the whole sibling relationships really adds to it I think