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Holy shit on a hot-plate! I have a hundred patrons. If I was a Roman officer this would qualify me for the rank of Centurion! Because of this i want to draw another special image for you guys, other than the dwarf one I'm working on and is coming along well. I don't want to do anything too complicated though because I've got plenty of Patron requests on my plate, so I'm thinking of just a sexy female Centurion or something, you know, that would obviously convey my status. Patrons come and go, and it'll be a little ironic if when i post it I've gone back down to 90, but hey, win some lose some.



The Sexy Centurion idea sound pretty nice, if you want something a little more compley add some Roman Mythology, but something along the line of "Female Centurion is looking for the 100 best swords in Rome" and she has to test them temselves is cool. For sake of diversity, You can do a picture of the Great Centurion Marcus, and her army of hot gals (roman counterpart of Mark, you can never go wrong with Mark).

Sarah Grimlock

As long as their is some chicks who have dicks, im okay with anything ;3


Congratulations, centurion! Onward to 1000000 now!


Dear gods man, one hundred already? Did I blink and the world spun trice over? *gets out the confetti* HURRAY HURRAY GGGOOOOOOOO MARRRRRKKKKK.


Both of those ideas, Female Centurion gangbang or Male Centurion harem, are good in my books!