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I should have thought harder about the rules when I started this, but I really am just making it up as I go. I've decided to add in hit-points, so that everyone can see what the stakes are. Mark has 5 because he's a Dwarf. The Dark-Elf has 4, because she's a boss. The other heroes have 3. If a character loses all of their hit-points, they'll become unconscious, but there are contrivances that could revive them, like Cadence using magic, or whatever. I'm a lenient DM.  This page is just about the results from the last vote. I'm working on page 6 right now, and it'll pose a new set of options to be voted on, and I'll roll again. I want to finish at least two more pages of this before the end of the month. 




Don't give up, Dominatix!


You can do it, drow Dominatrix and goblins!

Gur40goku GST

Goblin Reinforcements?

Wild Bill

Ha! I do love the whole "pulling her in with her own whip" thing.

Columba of Tiberius

I'm rooting for the fleeing Goblins to rally and teach Cadence that Healers are bottom bitches.


This is great! Still rooting to see the dominatrix dominated


I love cadence so much it makes it very conflicting that i really wanna see something bad happen to her