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Just joking around. Just trying to achieve some catharsis through humor. A little bit of deconstruction and critique, if you will. 




It's more entertaining than the actual movie.

Runus Brewblade

This is the song they should of had in that hallow movie


Reminds me of when they had the "Non-Binary Fairy" and ended up showcasing a Gay Stereotype.


Yeah, pandering NEVER works, because all pandering is condescension. Art needs to come from the source, or it shouldn't be made at all.

Wild Bill

Wow. I know you aren't afraid to be controversial, but that's damn spicy. She really does look great here though, very hot.


FUCK YEA, now that is a creative take on it. And in just those lyrics you've shown more effort and passion for something than the entire staff working on that live action shit.